

18th Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

[TRANS] #HEX_SIGN #VIXX Ken's letter: I was nervous about writing a letter for VIXX's first solo concert. This is my first time writing a lengthy letter so I have so much to say that I wrote everything down and isn't very organized. I am always thankful and regretful that I can't see you guys often. Although the words "thank you" lacks meaning, thank you so much. I will show a cool and handsome side as much as you guys love and cheer for us so please watch out for us. Please remember this time as a happy time. VIXX exists because of Starlights, VIXX can shine (because of Starlights). Starlights, who I will always love, let's continue to have a happy mind/heart. Although it's cliche, I will give this to you in a special and unique way. I love you. (Ken became emotional and couldn't read his letter properly) I didn't even cry when we won 1st place (laughs)

Source: Naver
Translated by Erica @ withVIXX.com
Please take out with full credits!

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