Firestar of Thedas - Fic fragment, prologue.

Warden-Commander Elenaria Surana did not raise her head as she heard someone open the door and enter her new office in Vigil's Keep. After arriving to find the place overrun by Darkspawn and the small force of Orlesian Wardens she had been expecting dead or gone, she was feeling rather tired and just a bit regretful her sisters had to stay in Denerim.

"So..." A voice thick with both curiosity and amusement said. "One does have to wonder why a king who, according to most public information is happily married and newly a father to twin daughters, is calling the commander of the Grey Wardens 'love', not to mention kissing her."

Elenaria looked up at Anders, a slightly sour twist on her lips. "Is gossip all you're here for Anders? Going to make as much of a pest of yourself with me as you did to the Templars because I decided to conscript you?"

Anders snorted a brief laugh as he grabbed the rickety chair available and turned it backwards to straddle it, resting his chin on his arms, which he rested on the chair-back. "Really, you have changed so much since the Tower I have to wonder what has become of you to turn you into-" he nodded towards her armour and the pair of swords currently sitting in a makeshift stand alongside her staff, "a warrior who looks like anything but a mage, and seems to be rather close to the new monarch of Ferelden, and that's not even counted the stories about your defeat of the Archdemon. If what I have been able to find out, it was less than three months between the battle of Ostegar and the battle of Denerim. That's a very short time to change so much."

Elenaria sighed, a hand absently going to the necklace hidden under the collar of the breastplate that she took from the body of Sophia Dryden, the Warden-Commander who lead the Grey before they were ejected from Ferelden. Elenaria had been allowed to keep the armour for herself by Levi Dryden, in thanks for her attempt to help him clear his family's name. "A lot can happen in only a few month Anders, especially when you're caught in the middle of a war."

"Well then," Anders leaned back with a hint of a grin on his face. "I currently don't have a whole lot to do, at least until you decide to send me out on some Grey Warden business. Why don't you tell me?"

"Are you sure you're comfortable sitting like that?" Elenaria responded, eying the chair he was sitting on. "For all that it was a short time, it is a long story."

Anders merely shrugged and grinned. "Tell away."

A/N: I don't know where this is going, or even if it will go somewhere. It's the influence of currently playing "Awakening" that makes me want to frame it like this - of Anders wanting to know about her story. I do think I would need to go over the whole game again to iron out details though.

And I would note, this is the story idea that Elenaria *is* one of the silmarils. The necklace she reaches for under her armour in the paragraph that got side-tracked about where the armour came from? It has her own silmaril, Elennárë, set in it. There is also good reason why her sisters (yes, the other two silmarils) stayed in Denerim, I just don't want to mention it yet (Valandhir already knows it though).

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