
Deamon · @Deamon5550

10th Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

Why the VoxelBox closed

@skylorddeclan @mcKupo

Yes, the VoxelBox was ruined.

The VoxelBox was ruined the moment it failed in its foundational ideals. It failed when the voxelbox as an entity stopped producing content for the the larger minecraft community, when it stopped pushing the limits of what was possible within the restrictions of the very restricted creative environment that is minecraft, when it failed in the propagation of creative knowledge and when it failed to be a place of uninhibited creativity.

Ultimately it failed because I looked out at the server as it was, I saw these problems, they have existed for a long time, but that is to be expected, problems will exist in any system and you can fix them if you try. But the true issue wasn't the issues with the technical setup of the server, but with the people. And I am not talking about the community itself, but rather the people leading it, apathetic people, people unwilling to solve these aforementioned problems, or even acknowledge their existence. And it is because of these people, because of the apathy of the people 'in charge' that I decided that the path for the server was not to continue on life support until it fell so far out of relevance as to not even exist. Yes, I killed the VoxelBox as it was, and I would do it again.

The people who are remaining are a core of people who are dedicated to those original ideals. In 2 months we produced more content than in two years (most of it was private projects that you'll see go live on some other large servers in the coming months for example: The sevii islands from pokemon, currently live on a large pixelmon server that I currently forget the name of, and another even larger project of [REDACTED]). So this covers half of our original ideals, an uninhibited creative environment and producing content for the larger minecraft community.

That still leaves the other half. The propagation of knowledge, passing on creative help and assisting others to better themselves and their creative talent. And yes I will admit that this is something we cannot achieve while closed off to the public. This is something I would like to come full circle too at some point with a reopening of the server to try and facilitate this kind of growth again. But this is a concept that will take time to get right. Communities are fickle things to grow, and even harder to shape, so perhaps you will see us again, and maybe you won't.

-Deamon, Owner of the VoxelBox (whatever that entails)

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