
LewdCon 2014 · @_Lyude

1st Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

@eevee @chunter16 @atweetingtwit @CaptainSaicin It's funny how people almost think that sexism in gaming groups can't be stopped too. When I was younger I was actually one of the moderators of a for-fun gaming group with a couple thousand members. We almost never had issues with sexism, in fact half of our moderators were females themselves, and we had a lot more female members in our group then most other groups. Why? Because we _didn't fucking put up with sexism_. We banned people for sexism and racism on the spot and we didn't make stupid excuses like "just ignore them". If your group is filled with sexism and you're encouraging people to ignore it then you're part of the problem. People need to stop defending this shit and start actually trying to set a better standard for how people should be treating others. Evidently groups like this can exist without suffering from these issues, the only reason why they're so rare is because _no one ever tries to do anything_.

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