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1st Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

[trans] yunho's father's letter to 将爱MyYunho on their 7th Anni

将爱 (always love) MyYunho (China Yunho fansite) wrote a letter to Yunho's father on the occasion of their 7th anniversary. They received a reply from him on 30 June 2014. No matter when, Yunho's father wakes up early so he can be awake and working when his son is awake and working, and experience with him, the struggle of work.

We talked about the 2 libraries that we had built under Yunho's name. This year is our 7th anniversary and we are focusing wholeheartedly for Yunho's drama support. If there is a chance, we'd like to build a 3rd.. 4th or 5th library to show our hopes and support for Yunho's drama.

Although Yunho's father seems stern and serious, you can sense his gentleness and warmth through the letter. That is probably where Yunho gets his from... There is also a small detail that moved us greatly- we are called 将爱 but everytime Yunho's father refers to us, he uses 将爱(MyYunho) and not 将爱or MyYunho. The attentiveness and carefulness with which Yunho interacts and takes care of people, is evident in the way his father comes through in the letter. We always say that Yunho's father has the best son, how about that Yunho has the best father?

- 将爱 30.6.2014

To 将爱 (MyYunho),
How is everyone?
Korea is now experiencing a really hot summer. China is really big and widespread, the weather varies from the north to the east. I hope that while the seasons are changing, everyone is taking care of themselves.

Today is 将爱(MyYunho)'s 7th Anniversary. I wish to offer them my sincere congratulations, as well as to wish that they will continue to grow steadily in the future. I also wish they will continue to cherish these moments of interaction, and build 将爱 into a place where (fans) can rely upon each other and interact freely.

Yunho, his family and many, many Korean fans are very touched by the building of the libraries by 将爱(MyYunho). To have built a library for these needy students from the mountain district and donated books and other educational supplies, with fans' love, is almost like giving the children, (their) dreams. This is a form of virtue.

Yunho's foot injury is much better now. So it is okay not to prepare health tonics and the like. -omitted-

Health is most important. I hope everyone takes care of themselves. Finally, let me wish 将爱(MyYunho), a happy 7th Anniversary!

cr: via happyflower0206

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