
Kat Calamia · @ComicUno

30th Jun 2014 from TwitLonger

Invincible #112 Mini Review

Invincible has turned it up a notch! We finally gets answers on why Robot has gone evil. Robot will do anything and everything to gain power over Earth. He will kill his friends and the people he loves.

I really loved this issue! We got into the mind frame of Robot and finally learn why he wants to become a villain. There was perfect dialogue between Monster Girl and Robot. She didn't understand Robot's motives until the very end.

The emotion between Robot and Monster Girl really made the issue for me. This couple has always intrigued me. They are both very interesting characters!

I really hope Monster Girl doesn't die because most of the Invincible universe died in this issue LOL. My only disappoint with this issue is having to wait another month to find out what happened to Invincible and Atom Eve.

5 out of 5 stars.

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