What #Arrow's Paul Blackthorne shared with the fans at #Inv4sion.

As u guys know, @caitylotz couldn't attend #Inv4sion this weekend, but her tv dad @PaulBlackthorne is there, and from what he's been sharing, it seems like he's having LOTZ of fun :P
Our friend Monica Andersen (@mizmoni) was there all weekend and she shared with us what Paul said during the weekend!

"In the Friday meet and greet he told us how he loves working with Alex Kingston, Caity and Katie as the Lance family. They all have a similar approach to their characters and they often have a chat about background stories - like fights/arguments they might have had etc and character motivations etc.
Paul has worked with Alex several times and they have a great working relationship.

In the Saturday talk he told us how the cast gets along really well, which translates onto the screen.
On set John Barrowman is constantly joking around - not wearing trousers, doing a very serious scene then at the end makes funny faces, and just constantly making everyone laugh.
Someone asked him about the Lance/Felicity friendship and he said that Emily is a very unique and special actress, she's able to portray Felicity as a strong female but still emotional (without making the character seem weak)
No one does their own stunts on the show as WB won't let them. Stephen wants to do as much as possible, but he's not allowed to most of the time.

Sunday talk I asked him about working with Caity and he said he loved working with all the cast, they all get along great and it shows on screen as they have great chemistry.
Stephen leads with great example as the lead of the show and the atmosphere on set is always friendly and great.
He said Caity was fabulous and he loves working with her. Caity and Emily sometimes brings their dogs on set. "The Arrow dogs"

He unofficially told us he's in season 3 as he's going to Vancouver in a couple weeks."

Thanks for all the info Monica ;)

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