WI: So, now I'd like to hear something like a "Pledge" from you towards the Japan activities in summer.

Minhyun: Um, what....(the office staff said that the members were saying "Be careful with your words~")

JR: If we would say something big now (in order to fullfill the thing will the "Pledge") can we do that later, because there is staff here (laughs)

Aron: So, when we archieved anything in that time...and NU'EST will come to Japan next time, we'll show you a more upgraded NU'EST. (Specifically)dancing, singing, japanese, our bodies...all.

JR:  thereto, after the annoucement of our Japanese debut, we will show you a new stage when having a concert in August for the first time.

The "Pledge" the five gave was somehow able to arcieve. (If you weren't stopped by the staff, you may would have made a promise out of the earth*) -> T/N: Something like 'promising something you can't keep cause its not to archieve' lol

Last time, I talked about "Crossdressing Ren". (T/N: I don't know the meaning of the last sentence..sorry ._.)

『NU’EST BEST IN KOREA』 2014.07.30 Album release

Source: womaninsight.jp
Translated by @Rainb0wMiLLi
Take out with full credits only!

#nuest #trans #womaninsight #interview #japan #jr #ren #minhyun #baekho #aron

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