
becca · @wu_yi_fan

30th May 2014 from TwitLonger

FALSE!! Denied by YueHwa! →
More re: "Kris found to have been in contact with top Chinese agency 'YUEHWA' " (sportsworld/naver article)

The most recent article by iQiyi, posted at 5.36pm KST today 5/30 http://www.weibo.com/1779850265/B6HmZ1uQ9?mod=weibotime , states that they have contacted YueHwa, which has denied this news.

In this news report, http://www.56.com/u40/v_MTE1MjM5NzI1.html released a day after Heechul's statement on Kris in War of Words, it clearly says: "There has been news that before ending his contract, Wu Yi Fan already made plans for his next step, to join Hangeng's company, but Hangeng's company denied this news."
Also, the report went on to say that there was no news of Kris joining any new company, and even his participation in Xu Jinglei's film was unconfirmed.

Despite (according to the source of this rumor) contacting a top Chinese company, this news was released by the Korean media, and no Chinese news agency has had firsthand information.

Chinese news sites which have reported the info (most likely for the reason to gain viewership) have listed Korean sites as their sources.
Sina: http://ent.sina.com.cn/y/k/2014-05-30/14134150921.shtml (source: BNT)
韩国me2day: http://www.weibo.com/2482557597/B6FJbl4ra?mod=weibotime (source: sportsworld)

The source of the article is a Korean media outlet, one of the first few to publish an article siding with SM after the Kris lawsuit broke out. The goal of publishing this article here is to stir up further anti-Kris sentiments, as seen in the top comments here http://t.co/hMsyCCrqqg, where he is being labeled as a "traitor" and "betrayer".

The author of the news article (http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=106&oid=396&aid=0000207517) , 김용호 기자 cassel@sportsworldi.com , is twitter user @charogne6 https://twitter.com/charogne6 , and you can see that he's very pro-SM.
[cr: AnnieHSJ]

Do you think really think SM is innocent??

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