
Kaiji Tang · @KaijiTang

16th May 2014 from TwitLonger

I'mma put on my nerd glasses for a second. With the news of the localization of #Doraemon, people have been freaking out over the "changes". Specifically this picture http://tinyurl.com/lks2g29 of Doraemon over a pizza. *Pushes glasses up* Now I'm not saying a bunch of people who haven't watched the show are jumping to conclusions, but as fans might recall this is the episode where Nobita turns into a vampire and is repelled by the cross shaped bandage on Doraemon's nose. Now as this is going on Disney XD, they can't have religious imagery. Thus the cross shaped bandage being removed and a pizza that suspiciously looks like it has garlic on it has been animated into the scene. SUDDENLY LOGIC. *takes off nerd glasses* There. I've explained it. We can all breath deep of the sudden sense making.

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