
hee · @heexia_

15th May 2014 from TwitLonger

[Trans] RT @Bornfreeonekiss: Jaejoong and Yoochun's kakaotalk conversation

Yochwen☆: ㅎㅎㅎ work hard and film well^^
JJ: yep~^^ Next Monday and Tuesday's episode will be really interestingã…Ž plz watch
Yochwen☆: okok^^ if you have time next week then let's see each other for sure^^
JJ: Yea Yoochun-a let's catch up and stuff ã… ã… 
Yochwen☆: Ikr~that would be awesome~ let's do that
JJ: I miss you "I missu" (<- wrote the eng pronunciation like that in korean too cute >.<)
Yochwen☆: I know~~^^ Hyung you won't have any time to sleep~ Let's drink~
Yochwen☆: Lol I said let's drink when you won't have time to sleep
Yochwen☆: ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

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