
#PaulMegna · @eGoTheIcoN

12th May 2014 from TwitLonger

Gonna start this out first & foremost with an apology towards @MLGPuckett / @MrAdamAp My opinions got the best of the way i was raised & the comments I made about Puckett were out of line, Dude has always been the first to reach out & help me or any 1 who needs help at any event or anywhere I have ever seen him in the past, the fact that i let my opinions on how things were being ran/put together come to bashing him personally wasn't necessary just to get my opinion across, So to start off, my B Chris, hope y'all keep doing amazing things for the A lot of my friends in the COD Scene.

With all that out of the way, Unfortunately I made to quick of a decision to join eLv, I Saw the chance to Play with Nifty & Gucci again & understand how amazing of a player Chino is & know with the commitment & grind that this team can be as good as any team i've ever been on but I just don't have that commitment right now & I don't want to hold them back, they deserve a 4th who wants it as bad as them and is going to commit to the team 150%, Right now i cannot do that so i wish them the best luck in finding somebody who can & I really want nothing more then to see them in season 3.

So with my apology / "retirement" (until that fire to play comes back) out of the way I guess ill close this with a Thank You to anyone & everyone who ever supported @360icons It was soo much fun while it lasted, So many great times/memories/people met, i could go on forever but all good things come to an end, I'll most likely be looking for a Job in eSports & will still be running my mouth on twitter when need be but for now, I just need a beach vacation to clear my head & sometime to see what life has up its sleeve for me next<3
#PaulMegna, bitches

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