[trans] "Boy Group Statistics" - "Singers with many fans" TVXQ, Their fandom is forever

※ Fandom ranking Top 10 as seen through the number of members in the official fan cafes

The survey results showed that the group with the most number of members in their fanclub was TVXQ, and following that is Big Bang, BEAST, Infinite, Shinhwa, B1A4, Super Junior, 2PM, EXO, Block B etc.

◇ TVXQ, Retaining their overwhelmingly large-scale fandom

TVXQ made their debut in 2004 through SM Entertainment. TVXQ, who was comprised of 5 members, made their debut and swept the Rookie Award and the Main Prize simultaneously, and in 2005, 2 years into their debut, they won the Daesang, and in 2006 they achieved a Daesang Grand Slam at the year-end awards ceremonies in Korea. In particular, TVXQ also won the label of "the singers who have the most fans all around the world" in 2008.

On 31 July 2009, Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu demanded that their exclusive contracts cease to have effectiveness, and withdrew from TVXQ with their 30th single in Japan in March 2010 as the end. Following that, U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin re-organized into a duo and released their official 5th album.

To date, both of them are actively promoting both domestically and overseas, and showing off their might as the group who possesses numerous fans.

*only TVXQ-related parts have been translated


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