
Tarol · @Thunt_Goblins

3rd May 2014 from TwitLonger

In case you missed it, here are the rules I posted yesterday (with a few minor edits).
Okay, here's my Twitter War Game (TWG?) idea. Since this is our first attempt, It WILL crash, burn and fail at some point, so expect that. But maybe something light and quirky can grow out of this. Let's find out. Also, someone has PROBABLY already done something like this on Twitter. It's a big place.

Okay, war has broken out between the HELLJAW ORCS and the GLINTDRIFT ELVES (I just made these guys up, they're not from my comic). Very soon, I will tweet a battle cry for each of those two armies. If you want to play, RETWEET the battle cry ONLY for the side you are joining. Retweeting both battle cries means you were discovered as a spy and you're instantly killed.

(EDIT: You don't HAVE to have logged into to play, but if you've never done it, your Twitter avatar in the battlefield will appear as a generic, 'empty' box.)

10 minutes (EDIT: ?? minutes) after the battle cries, the war will start. About 20 minutes after that (EDIT: ?? minutes after that), I'll delete the battle cries, stopping any more new recruits (I may do this earlier if it gets to be too many people to manage). (EDIT: I won't delete the battle cries, I'll just stop counting people arriving late to the battle.)

During the battle, I will post pics (via photoshop) of the results from each progressing round. Damage is (1 point x2) per living combatant of that side. So if the attacking side has 20 living combatants, their doing 40 points of damage to someone. Damage falls randomly onto one member of the opposing side (I'll use a random number generator). If a combatant's HP is reduced to 0, they are dead and out of the battle (but their bravery will live on in song and possibly a childrens' breakfast cereal).

Hit points for each individual combatant are equal to 1 point for each of that combatant's followers. So if you have 100 followers, you start with 100 HP. If you have 0 followers, I'm sorry, but you died before the pre-battle, inspirational speech even got to the "THEY CAN NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!" part. There was just nothing we could do.

Once one side is down to (let's say) 15 surviving combatants, that side loses and the remaining side is declared the winner. If you die, you're out of this battle for good, but you can of course play again if I do a 2nd one at some point. And if I DO try this again, I'll set up a simple 'level up' system which will grant bonuses to anyone who survived (extra bonuses for survivors of the winning side).

This is of course, incredibly simple. Really, once you've chosen a side (by retweeting that side's battle cry), you've nothing to do (EDIT: You've got 'almost' nothing to do). But if this is a doable and fun as I hope, I'll add more detail, complexity and player options if we do it again.

At this stage, I reserve the right to, at any time, say "Oh crap, this rule makes NO sense!" and change it suddenly. And remember... this will be unbalanced. This WILL be flawed. This might very well fail right out of the gate. Yes, it's DUMB, but dammit, it's FREE! And no matter how badly this goes... THEY WILL NEVER TAKE... OUR FREE DUMB!

I'll tweet the battle cries for the two sides as soon as I'm set up. Have your weapons and retweets ready.

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