[TRANS] Condolences message for the victims of the Sewol ferry accident from CJeS Family

[CJeS HP] We would like to offer our deepest condolences to the victims of the Sewol ferry sinking accident and consolation to the horrible feelings of the ones who have lost their beloved family. Since the rescue for the missing people is progressing smoothly, we earnestly pray that the students will return to their families' bosoms.

[씨제스 홈페이지] 세월호 침몰사고희생자들에대한 깊은애도와 사랑하는가족을 잃은분들의 참담한심경에 위로를 전합니다 실종자들에대한 구조가 원만히 진행돼 학생들이 가족의 품으로 돌아오기를 간절히 기원합니다


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