@_RandomTweeter_ @foreveryellowR People choose what to believe, and as in all other matters of life, their choices have consequences.
The problem is that none of us know how was the real MJ, what would or would not do. Especially about MJ this is true, why are not talking about an ordinary man, but of a genius.
We have our own opinion, of course, reading and following closely, but it's only a opinion, not a fact.
We, his fans, we're accustomed always to think to him as a close friend, a brother, a lover, or at least someone to personal and private. And this was thanks to the charisma and report that MJ himself has created with us. But it doesn't mean that knew him intimately to the point of being sure of what would or would not do, and think this is just an illusion.
If you recognize this, it's easy to understand that all of us are in the dark, there's no to be saved, not in this, personally choose, even to be deceived, why not .. many have done, as well as many smoke cigarettes (aware that they may die) drinking until the nausea, or make risky overtaking risking their lives and that of others nearby.
The only freedom is now, in a sick society and mock democracy such as ours, is to try respect others instead, whatever their creed, because their chosen.
Believing in something doesn't mean be that thing.
Michael has taught us not to judge, taught us to have respect towards each others, so when I see fans who never miss a chance to insult or offend other fans,I wonder how they can feel themselves MJ's Fans.

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