(Trans) Excerpt from Singles Magazine Interview

Q: A year ago, you said in your Singles interview that you wanted to act the kind of spontaneous acting.

PYC: I really said that, back then? (laughs) Oh, It reminds me that before entering this project, after practicing the script reading, we all went to go eat along with my sunbae-nims. There was also a similar talk there. I said: "I don't want to worry too much about the angle (of the camera)." And when I also said that I won't try to stay only inside the angle (of the camera), Director Shin Kyungsu and the shooting director said: "Just do it spontaneously!" and that they will take care of the angle themselves. Of course, there were scenes where I needed to adjust to the angle (of the camera) but when it was not the case, I just wanted to act freely.

Source: http://twitpic.com/dz1jur via @grace_loves_sky

Translated by Sheena

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