(Trans) 14/03/22 Fanaccount of the fan extra at the 3Days filming

- Today as well, as expected, he pouted his lips.
- He shined his flashlight on his face and played alone at being a ghost.
- There was a scene the director wanted to give up on because the angle he wanted wouldn't come out. So Yuchun told him: "But if you take the angle like that, then you can shoot this scene, can't you?" And the scene they nearly missed shooting wasn't abandonned.
- He seriously kept limping his foot but still laughed it away when running even when they had to take the scenes again and again.
- An extra wrote "the end" on his laptop just for fun and when Yuchun saw it, he started to laugh because he found it funny.

> Backstory: The man in front of me wrote "the end!!" on the screen of his laptop and then went to shoot and when Yuchun saw it, he burst ouf of laughing. He said "What are you saying? To end it now? That it's the end? What's the end anyway, puahaha" and laughed. XD

Source: @YJ615

Translated by Sheena

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