While Ty Olsson's Vegas performance continues to be debated, let me clarify one point: the "shots" I served Ty and the Elastic Waste Band during Ty's panel were not whiskey, they were iced tea, poured from an empty whiskey bottle as a part of a pre-arranged bit to promote that night's karaoke party, a bit that was cleared with Creation staff, the band members, and Ty himself beforehand. Ty even referenced the tea shots in his open letter to fans regarding this issue. So the whiskey, and my serving it of it, can be removed from the discussion. @ewasteband @robbenedict

from http://8cn.tv/content/ty-olsson-gets-too-cute-and-cuddly-vegas-supernatural-convention#.UyTK6kXZyyA.twitter ...
"Some of the blame could be shed on Dick Speight for pushing Ty to down not one, but two shots before beginning his panel. It was very "high school peer pressure", especially given some of Olsson’s immature behavior at previous conventions."

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