
滕彪 · @tengbiao

19th Mar 2014 from TwitLonger

【采访通知Press conference】曹顺利死因未明 辩护律师到港说明案情最新进展

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曹顺利死因未明 辩护律师到港说明案情最新进展

要求中国政府追究责任 捍卫公民权利



地点:香港九龙旺角道 11 号艺旺商业大厦 10/F





事件引起国内极大回响及国际社会的关注。 曹顺利的悲剧,是一直以来中国政府对人权捍卫者的报复和压制的一个新的例证。包括美国、英国、加拿大、欧盟、德国等国家,以及大赦国际、人权观察等国际人权机构和联合国特别程序报告员纷纷发出谴责声明。


1. 成立独立调查团,查明曹顺利女士具体死亡原因,朝阳看守所、北京公安局、外交部等部门回避此案的调查;

2. 追究参与迫害并导致曹顺利女士死亡的所有责任人之刑事责任;

3. 中国政府就迫害曹顺利女士致死一事向全国民众公开道歉;

4. 中国政府应该采取切实措施遵守联合国关于保护人权捍卫者的基本准则;

5. 民间将每年3月14日设为“中国人权捍卫者日”;

6. 联合国向因为参与国际人权机制被遭报复致死的曹顺利致哀。

查询:+852 54923004


[Press invitation]

Lawyers provide latest updates on Cao Shunli’s case and demand investigation into the rights defender’s suspicious death

Date: 20th March 2014

Time: 10:30 am

Venue: 10/F, 11 Mongkok Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Wang Yu (Defense lawyer of Cao Shunli)

Teng Biao (Visiting Scholar at Chinese University of Hong Kong, former defense lawyer of Cao Shunli)

Cao Shunli was taken away at Beijing Capital International Airport when she was on her way to Gevena for the Universal Periodic Review on China on 14th September 2013. Her friends and family had only learnt that Cao was detained at Chaoyang District Detention Centre for alleged 'illegal assembly' after she disappeared for a month. On 21st October 2013, her charge was changed to alleged 'picking quarrels and provoking trouble'.

During her detention at Chaoyang District Detention Centre, Cao's health deteriorated rapidly. Cao and her lawyer had made numerous requests for taking her own medicine and getting medical treatment. However, the detention centre and the public security bureau had forbidden her to take medicine and had refused to provide any treatment. Applications for medical parole submitted by Cao's family and lawyer were all rejected. On 19th Feb 2014, Cao was sent to Beijing 999 Emergency Centre after falling into a coma. She was later transferred to Beijing 309 Hospital. She was in critical condition. She passed away on 14th March 2014.

The death of Cao Shunli caused great outcry in China and grave concern from the international community. The tragedy of Cao Shunli is yet another example of China suppressing and retaliating human rights defenders. Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, European Union, as well as international organizations such as United Nations Special Rapporteur, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have issued statement condemning Chinese Government.

Cao Shunli’s defense lawyer and former defense lawyer Wang Yu and Teng Biao will give updates on Cao’s case, the situation of Cao’s family, as well as plans for seeking justice. The lawyers also demand:

1. the Chinese government to establish an independent investigation to investigate the cause of Cao Shunli’s death. Chaoyang Detention Centre, Beijing Public Security Bureau as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should avoid getting involved in the investigation duties;

2. the Chinese government to hold those who persecuted Cao and who subsequently caused her death criminally accountable

3. the Chinese government to take concrete measures to comply with the United Nations guidelines for the protection of basic human rights defenders ;

4. the civil society to mark 14th March as ‘China Human Rights Defenders Day’

5. the United Nations to send condolences for the death of Cao Shunli, which was a result of the government’s retaliation against her participation in the international human rights mechanism.

Media Enquiry:+852 54923004

19th March 2014

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