
Front · @frontback777

14th Mar 2014 from TwitLonger

An open letter from my heart to all #MJFam #MichaelJackson fans, beloved #Moonwalkers ,

I have always loved you and I've always known you were very special to me ,,but I never really knew the true depth of it until I came to Twitter. Since then, I've had the opportunity to communicate with you all on a different level, and getting to know you all a little better has been a truly wonderful experience---and we have certainly shared many magical moments, haven't we? Laughter, joy, tears, sorrow, bliss…an endless plethora of emotions…all the while sharing inspiration on how to make the world a better place, and life stories & lessons--essentially growing together. And so I just want to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU" for this incredible journey together and for your undying love & support & help in spreading Michael's message.

True story----> The other day I was alerted to a tweet on someone's page. It wasn't addressed to @Frontback777 specifically, so I didn't see it on my page (well, I don't always see tweets even if they ARE on my page lol) ,,,but it really touched my heart and made me smile. It said: "Front has the most love-filled account I have ever seen on all of Twitter". I wanted to reply and RT it for all of us because without all of YOU, I wouldn't have this Twitter account. It's YOU who make the Love go 'round…it's YOU who read this page…it's YOU who inspire me--even though you say it's the other way around--but it's true, you really do…every day. Anyway, I didn't reply to it or RT because I felt it wasn't my place to do so since it wasn't tweeted directly to me. But thank you for saying that anyway, to the person who tweeted that.

I've even had---well, I hate to use the word "haters" but I guess that's what it's called….yes, I've had "haters" who said some not so nice things to me in the past and even to the point of harassing me. Well, over time I guess they realized that I'm not the enemy and I'm not some monster or a freak or anything like that. I'm just a person like everyone else and I have feelings too. And they've come back and apologized, and of course all is forgiven and I don't hold any grudges against these people. This has happened quite a few times and it's very humbling to me because it takes great courage for someone to do that. So thank you for that, and please don't be afraid to tweet me because when I say "all is forgiven" I mean it.

Wow…we've been through so much together especially the past almost 5 years, and I've always said "I love you ALL"---and I mean that, from the bottom of my heart, believers & nonbelievers. It's so easy to see past the beliefs...past the pre-conceptions & misconceptions...past the illusions...past the fear...because what I see when I look at each and every one of you---> is right into your heart...I see it...I feel it...and it's beautiful.

Always remember this…..No matter how you feel on the surface…no matter how mad you get at your believer friend because you think she's nuts…no matter how mad you get at your nonbeliever friend because you think he's a goon…..truly, truly deep inside, we are and will always be United in Love…not separated by differences. One Love. One heart. One MJ family.

Thank you for being a wonderful part of my life and allowing me to be a part of yours as well.

Love always,

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