@Just_a_Reaper @undisputedgod Any rules I should add or edit?

1) No official artwork allowed, everything you turn in must be done using something you have drawn, either through computer or through paper and pencil/pen. You are not allowed to use other people's artwork either.

2) Sixteen panels minimum, and the doujinshi has to be be stylized in a standard 4koma fashion. If you do not know what 4koma is, it is a type of manga where there are four panels that you read from top to bottom. Each set of four is usually a self contained joke.

Ripped straight from the Wikipedia article, here is an explanation of how 4koma work:

Ki: The first panel forms the basis of the story; it sets the scene.

Shō: The second panel develops upon the foundation of the story laid down in the first panel.

Ten: The third panel is the climax, in which an unforeseen development occurs.

Ketsu: The fourth panel is the conclusion, in which the effects of the third panel are seen.

You can have an "overarching" story throughout the sixteen minimum panels if you like (an example would be like having a brick joke).

3) No hentai allowed. Your work can be NSFW, but no showing of private areas. Nothing TOO sexual either. So nothing along the lines of "black comedy rape".

4) I am not a Mugen Souls expert, so if there are any jokes that you believe will fly over my head, please make a reference page just in case. The furthest I have gotten in Mugen Souls is level 700 and gotten the normal and true endings.

5) You must be willing to have these posted on the internet, because I WILL post your entries.

6) I will require your address if you win so I can send it to my secretary, who will then send it to you.

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