
Real100% · @real100per

3rd Mar 2014 from TwitLonger

[TRANS] @Minwoo0208: @OHP_SH Our Sanghun who is more sincere and wiser than anyone.. Hyung will always believe in you and will always support you! Because you will forever be my long-legged youngest brother.. You know it, right..? I love you..♥

RT @Minwoo0208: @OHP_SH 그 누구보다 성실하고 현명한 우리 상훈이.. 형은 항상 너를 믿고 응원한다! 넌 내겐 영원한 키다리막둥이동생이니까.. 알지..? 사랑한다..♥️

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