[TRANS 140224 - YoongFO #3 - #6]

Fan: "I know i couldn't get closer..." This is unnie's part right? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
YoonA: The last one is my part~ Yoong's harmonisation

Fan: No matter when you have to stick close behind me~
YoonA: Ohh~~~~~~~~

Fan: This time comeback title track, YoonA has 3 parts..! ⚈_⚈/♡ !!
YoonA: Ermm...? I want someone to take the lead~. In this world~.MrMr/Is it this?


Fan: Aishh why is the album this time so good? Tell me about it ㅠ Thankyou for singing songs for us ㅠㅠ
YoonA: For a person like me, using SNS.. But as Yoongtizen,today... i am sending UFO ♡


Cr: Chinese trans by MrMr_饱猫007

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