(Trans) 140126 #Yuchun video message ment @ #JJPartyD2

Yuchun: Jaejoongie hyung, thank you so much for running along all this way for 10 years. I really congratulate you on celebrating yet again such a great birthday on your 10th year... Right now, you have been busy running all this way and you still have a lot more days to go... So, whether it is for an activity or any other kinds, whatever it is, I hope you will live a life where you can become even more happier, stomping forward step by step with assurance. I also hope JYJ will continue to be together/ be together forever. I sincerely congratulate you on your 10th anniversary and I also wish you a happy birthday. Lately, we can't often meet each other since we are both very busy but I hope we can now definitely have one glass of soju if you have the time... Anyway, I sincerely wish you a very happy birthday.

Source: @happywith6002, @CheeseCakeJJ, Audio (http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=jyj&no=679849)

Translated by Sheena

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