Ok, before shit gets more twisted than it already is, I want you to hear my side of the story. The WHOLE story... I was hoping this would all blow over without incident, but Pops keeps running his mouth about it and seems hell-bent on creating more unnecessary drama for everyone involved. I didn't want to put it all out there like this, because frankly it's no one's fucking business but our own, but apparently that decision was made without me. I figured I'd give you the real story before Pops has a chance to twist it around to "destroy" me. Some of you have probably noticed that he has vowed to destroy Sam and I as "he was in April." Sorry, Pops, backstabbing snitches get their own category all together.

As I'm sure you all know, Cayla and I had a less than perfect breakup. What you don't know is why it ended on such bad terms. Let me start from the beginning. Around the end of August, K and I met for the first time. We went out for drinks and she spent the night. The next day, I had to work so I dropped her off at her car. A couple hours later I get at text from her saying she was being kicked out of her Dad's house. I told her she could come over if she needed to get out of the house for a bit, and she did. I told her she was welcome to stay as long as she needed, and she did. A couple days went by, and soon we were a thing. She stayed at my house for the next couple months. During this time, I fed her, bought her cigarettes every day, drove her back and forth to Pittsburgh or wherever else she needed to go because at this point, she had no job and her car was undrivable. After about 2 months, she left to take go care of her grandmother in the next state after a recent surgery with the promise of being back within a week. I believed her, because we had a great relationship, and I had no reason not to. That's what it looked like on the surface anyways.

A week turned into 2 weeks, then she "wasn't sure", etc, etc. It wasn't long after she left that all the lies started to surface. First one involved a weekend when she left my house and went to hang out with "friends". She broke up with me the next day. It seems she was going to be with Sereph, who she had apparently been talking to behind my back the entire time, and who she was talking to for months before we even met. I guess she forgot to mention that. I suppose she did this so she could "do" whatever she wanted guilt free. The next day she tells me she thinks she's pregnant. I mean, reality kicked in, the weekend was over, and where is she gonna live if not with me? She asked me to pick her up the following day to bring her back home. She assured me that she had filled him in on our relationship, and broke contact with him. She even made a new Kik.. so I did. Screen shots surfaced shortly after of Sereph talking about the "amazing sex" he had that weekend. She denied it, and shortly after, he retracted those statements. I also found out things like she slept with her phone under her pillow so I couldn't go through it (probably bc she constantly went through mine and figured everyone did that kind of shit. No, I never did.) She also told everybody she talked to that I was just a roommate and she had her own room. All while sleeping with me and telling me that she loved me. I was later shown screen shots that ranged everywhere from she loved Sereph but didn't want to be homeless, to she loved both of us and couldn't decide, to she loved me and was going to break it off with Sereph.

Also, the entire time she was at her grandmothers, she was telling me how much she loved me, how much she missed me, that she couldn't wait to come back, sending me pics... you get the idea. At one point, I went out there and we spent the night in a hotel together. She even asked how I would feel about moving to Pittsburgh and getting an apartment together. I agreed, and she was busy online trying to find one that would let me bring my dog. Meanwhile, she's telling everyone that will listen that we are broken up, and I couldn't let go, yada yada yada. Basically she was telling me one thing, and everyone else another. Making me look like the asshole. Oh, did I mention the "troll" that her and KY did on twitter where they convinced everyone he was flying her out to see him? Ya, we were still dating then. She told me not to worry, it was just a joke, and I'd find out soon why she was doing it. It turns out she was working for Sereph SEing KY to get screen shots of a convo he had.. Fantastic. I know it's a joke, the rest of the internet thinks she's cheating on me right in front of my eyes. I guess she was. Moving on..

Anyways... lie after lie after lie. Not even just from her. Her little group of friends were running all over Twitter spewing ridiculous lies about me that obviously came from her. It was truly this that perpetuated the drama for far longer than necessary. This (and vodka at times, lol) caused things to get extremely heated, and spiteful things were said on both ends. This, at a time when we both should have been focused on moving forward. I threatened to release her pics, obviously I never did. I said "shit was out of my hands and I couldn't control what would happen next". Again, just talking shit trying to scare/guilt trip her. I called her a whore, a manipulator, a user, etc. She called me an asshole, a dick, a motherfucker, etc.. You know, typical bad-breakup rhetoric. At one point, she handed my Twitter password (32 random characters) over to Pops to break into my account and troll my friends. She is the ONLY one that ever had it. Any idea how long it would take to brute force a password like that? I looked it up, something like 34 undecillion years, but I digress. So anyways... The last I spoke with her, was on Xmas eve when she messaged me at the very WORST possible time to offer me an obviously fake apology. Like I said, it was Xmas eve, and I had been drinking ALL DAY, and of course, again, things escalated. This came just hours after Sereph asked for my "blessing." I told him to fuck off, and reminded him that they had BOTH been lying to me for 4 months now (I considered Sereph a friend for years before I met K). The conversation ended with us agreeing not to contact each other, and to leave each other alone. I have stayed true to that since then, and thought it would be the last I'd hear of the situation. Then, all this.

As for Pops trying to call out the credibility (that's a joke in itself) of my work with OAB, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. OAB was ALWAYS about helping kids, not about a fight between two grown adults. I understand that this should have all been kept completely between us, but Pops decided he's gonna tell you parts of the story, and I refuse to let him cherry pick through screen shots without you hearing the whole thing. I helped KIDS, NOT adults that behave like kids.

So yes, mistakes were made on both ends. Big ones. Do I regret them? Very much so, but I am certainly not the sole asshole in this equation. A sucker? Absolutely. But that doesn't distract from the fact that I did everything I could to take care of that girl. Admittedly, I said some things I shouldn't have, but it was only after being hurt, used, manipulated, lied to, lied about, and cheated on.

I'm sorry to have had to hit you again with this stale drama. I'm over it, so I'm sure as fuck you are too. Like I said, if it were up to me, it would be fucking done with. People just can't seem to say the fuck out of it, and I sure as fuck refuse to bow down to a snitch. Undoubtedly, I will be called a liar for posting this. I have screen shots to back up pretty much all of it, just ask if it gets called into question. Take from it what you will, and believe what you want. Many people were there with me through this entire saga and can vouch for the validity of what I say. With that, I plan to speak no more on the subject. I'm fucking DONE with it. I've BEEN done with it. I have absolutely NO issues with K anymore. We all make mistakes, myself included, but I have moved on and am happy with where I am. I truly hope she has too, and is able to find happiness wherever she ends up. Feel free to hit me up for DM.

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