I thought I should write about Steam Dev Days, and I honestly can't be fucked making a blog because I'm far too tired for complicated internet science shit.

Here goes.

During the end of my time on Rise of the Triad I had a compulsion to create a game. I'm a creative. It's what I love to do. QA was a pretty great experience, I got to see most if not all the facets of game development, it was an educational experience to say the least. But I'm not a QA boy at heart, I want to make shit.

I have a buddy called Kreyg. You might know that guy. Long story short, I pointed him to Unity and didn't stop until he fucking owned the thing. Legend. Dave screamed at us to make something.

So we did. We founded a little company.

We brought on some help, Steven Vargas for art and animation, Shaun Hammond for sound effects and Christian Antonio to yell at until we have the tools for him to work with. It's fun yelling at that boy. There's also a guy who's lined up to do music, and we love him (chances are you do too), but knowing Dave he probably has an illuminati-like roadplan for everything so I'll be quiet about that until the time is right.

It's been about a month since we started doing this. Long story short = I fucking love our game, and that's the most important thing. Never make something to impress others - if it's good enough they'll come naturally, and they seemed to!

We had multiple meetings with some pretty important industry folk - and some big things are about to pop off! Crazy! Once again, Dave will probably hire a hit squad if I say anything more. BUT HEY. ALL IS WELL IN THE HBG HOOD. I'm proud of my homies. We made something pretty great, and I can't wait for you guys to see it.


Until then, be cool you delicious people.


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