
Gtotoy · @gtotoy

17th Jan 2014 from TwitLonger

Oftentimes you feel the need to sit down and take stock of the things in your life that you need to do better, that you need to improve, that you need to address, and this is not a bad thing. But, when was the last time that you sat down as earnestly and as enthusiastically and took stock of all the things that you have done RIGHT? The time you took to help others, the people you supported merely because it was the right thing to do, the right choices you made when no one was watching? There is always room for improvement in areas of your life, but there is nothing magical or superior about only focusing on the negatives, even if it is with an eye toward making them better. Balance dictates that you look at the totality of your situation, and that includes giving credit where credit is due. Today, take a moment to examine your life from the vantage point of what you have done right, and embrace the unique and beautiful wonder of YOU!! #DTBC

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