I love you I love you I love you. I've never been so close to someone before and it makes me feel so good. We may not go to the same school (if we did we'd own that hell hole) or even live in the same country (fuck you Satan) but I wouldn't change us for the world.
I always imagine things we'd do if we were this close and lived near each other (is that weird??) and it really makes me sad we can't do these things :(
I hate not being able to just walk over to yours in my pyjamas when I'm sad or hurting. I hate how I'll never have you turning up on my doorstep at ridiculous hours just because you felt lonely. I hate how I'll never be able to ditch school to come watch movies with you when you're sick. I hate not being able to go to the beach with you in the summer, eating ice-creams and building castles like little children then staying until after dark just watching the sun go down. I hate not being able to do a spot of baking with you on a late Sunday morning, flicking flour and sticking our fingers in the icing. I hate not being able to mess about and make stupid vines when we're supposed to be doing homework.
But I'll tell you something I love;
Even if you don't believe it, you're beautiful inside and out and I will keep telling you until you believe it. You listen when I need you to listen and you laugh at my jokes. You love me and care about me as much as I love and care about you and I've never had that before.
You really are something special.
I made this mix because I want you to always know how much I love you no matter how near or far that I am from you. I just want you to be happy and I will do everything I can to ensure it.
I love you. Forever and always baby cakes.

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