RB-verse, Post-THotJ and Wishes-verse. Directly after http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rvolj0 Approximately concurrent with http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rvrpe7

@SilmarilNaro @AnvariShadow @Boromir_Aesir @Valandhir

Anvari and Kizár head into the Deeps to find the Green Haven, but things go awry and they end up in another world.
(Based on Valandhir's fic "Wishes are no horses" - http://archiveofourown.org/works/942362 )


The heavy weight of the mountain seemed to press down on Anvari heavily as he slipped down the stark ledge and landed before a narrow rift, so narrow that no dwarf would ever fit through it. Some of these passages had also needed Kizár to change back to rock form. As such she did rest in a pouch that rested against his chest, the safest place to hold her close. Her guidance did not cease for him on that path, he could see her all the more clearly in his mind and heard her voice, guiding him.

Studying the narrow rift he took a deep breath. "And so it begins." he said softly, and focused inward, letting some of the shadow that he kept walled off in his soul come out, along with his flame, running through his body like an icy fire. In times past he had struggled to maintain focus, now it was frightfully easy, and only Kizár's bright presence, gave him the confidence to really do it. His entire body was swallowed up, becoming a form of shadow alone, his shadow form made manifest in the waking world.

He reached for the stone rim of the rift, his shadow hands could touch it, and feel the stone, but his form could merge and shift, like only a shadow could to fit the narrow rift. "If you were to do the same, Kizár, your radiant form would probably light all the Deeps of the world." Anvari thought, as he entered the rift, it always felt strange to feel his shadow form twist and bend with the shape of the walls, and to move like a crawling shade, but it allowed him traverse the narrow places with ease, and bring Kizár through, without any need for her to roll and fall like a stone.


"I likely would." She laughs in his mind to his thought. It feels... odd being a stone again. The lack of arms, legs, eyes and ears. It reminds her why she favours being in a Dwarf form. The other life never called for her to change much, though there were a couple of incidents where being able to revert had saved her when she got caught away from others during the war for Moria.

Traveling through shadows is... strange to her. She is a being of Light while Shadow is a thing Other to her. She finds the Shadow worrying, as she has always been of the impression it was the realm Morgoth tried to control and manipulate. It is because Anvari can hold her, shield her, that she can travel this way with him.


Anvari can hear the shadows whisper all around them, as he climbs further and he is careful to let his flame stand between Kizár and them. On Himring he has learned to deal with the shadows, only that the Weeping Shadows of Himring were of a different nature than these here, who call and sing in unfriendly voices. "Not much further." he tells her, as he climbs out of the rift. "I think we will both be able to move normally again, soon. There is an underground river ahead, it should lead to your magical cavern."


"I will be glad of it, not only to have my dwarrow form back, but to be away from these..." A soft shudder goes through her. "They sing songs not unlike the Deep Fire, harsh, unkind." That is the worst she had of the Deep Fire, the unending harsh brutality of it. The sad part is that it was not deliberately cruel, but it did not understand pain either.


"They will not get to you, Kizár, my Kizár." Anvari whispers as he jumps down from the Rift and lands on a ledge. "They are harsh, brutal... but at least their songs do not drive me to want to jump off the next cliff. The Weeping Shadows on Himring did that with their songs. I always wondered how Cáno could stand to live there for so long."

Again he leaps, as a shadow it is so much easier and lands safely on the side of the underground river. He can see that the passage along the river is broad enough to give them room in dwarrow form. Exhaling sharply he lets go of his flame, it hurts when his physical form reshapes and he pants hart from exhaustion. Then he carefully takes Kizár's stoneform from the pouch to set it down, so she can shift back.


She changes as soon as she may, checking over her clothing to see that it remains intact from having been carried within her power. "Cáno does have an amazing tolerance to depression and grief, and many of those shadows are likely the lost souls of those who once lived in the fortress in the First Age. Those who did not go to Mandos and have faded because of it." She is glad to be able now to get to know Cáno again, spending time with him more since she and Russandol had let him know who she is.


"I guess not all of them had Aelin's stubborn soul." Anvari smiles, he likes the former arcane smith and elven warrior, and highly respects the decisions he made at the end of the Ring War.

Seeing Kizár fuss over her clothing he winks at her. "I swear to you that you are entirely decent." he teases her a little. "I think we can follow the riverside, it should lead us right to your cave."


She has to be glad of the teasing about her clothing, it distracts her from thinking too much on Aralaimé, and his fate. One of Maitimo's closest friends, and if what she has heard of his life since, extremely loyal to that bond as well.

She looks up the river they have found, trying to see if it matches her memory. "I cannot say for sure... rolling down a riverbed is far different than walking along it's shore, but nothing here seems too much wrong either."


Anvari takes her hand, he often does when he senses her insecure or troubled. "There is something ahead, I could sense it while I was in shadow form, something alive and breathing. As deep as we are, there are few things that could have such an echo." He says, as they begin their path along the river, and Anvari can't help but marvel at the deeps he is seeing. While not are strongly rooted in the deep stone as his twin, Anvari is all the more sensitive to the arcane echoes that permeate the deeps of the world.


The Stone sings as much as the shadows here do, though their song is different, the slow patient song of stone. This area though... it's current song speaks of the creature Anvari senses, and it is not a friendly song - the Stone does not like the creature.

"Be wary... It's not friendly, whatever it may be. The Stone dislikes it and wishes it would move on."


"A creature of the deeps maybe?" Anvari reaches to his back for Stormfire's hilt drawing the long blade in one fluid move. "Then lets see what is sitting down there." He says, ducking slightly as he moves forward.


Kizár pulls her own dagger, though she stays behind Anvari as they make their way towards whatever is ahead. As the peer around a corner, a large palid bulk comes into their view, straddling well across the width of river, practically blocking the whole passageway. It is back to them and she has to study it carefully to even start to get an idea on it's looks. It's spiritual presense however... the only word she has for it is that it stinks, to her arcane awareness.


The form of four huge legs, scaly and ending in huge claws, straddling the riverbed, a huge, massive upper body, scaly as well and the tail turned towards them, slowly swiping over the water... Anvari almost freezes in place. A Deep Worm, a nasty and ugly relative of the minor dragons, and a very dangerous foe to deal with. He looks to Kizár gesturing her to find cover, a place to hide safely. Tackling this beast... he calms his mind. He can do this. He has to.


Kizár pulls back to the bend, ducking down behind it and stretching out her senses to track Anvari. Even though the creature stinks, she will put up with it to keep watch on her love.


Anvari can sense Kizár's comforting presence, though his mind is entirely focused on his opponent now. Deep Wyrms have heavy scales and an armor to rival a dragon, and while their belly is vulnerable, it is too high above Anvari to reach it at first step.

Anvari sprints forward, using Stormfire against the legs of the creature, the enchanted blade cutting through the scales better than expected, biting deep into the sinews of the legs. The Worm howls, and comes about at a speed Anvari certainly did not expect, the creature is about in one move, and the hit of the front claw throws Anvari across the tunnel and on the ground.

Jumping back to his feet, Anvari's nexrt hit collides with the teeth of the Worm, splinters flying in several directions and the creature howls in pain.


She tries not to flinch at the howling, sitting and listening to a fight is worst than being in one, since it brings up so many images to mind. Instead she concentrates on giving strength through their bond to Anvari, and carefully reaching to tear away little bits of the Deep Wyrm's strength.


The Worm stumbles, like something is hindering him and Anvari decides to take the risk. He jumps on the Worm's leg and uses the momentary stupor of the beast to race up the back and behind the head. He has seen Kíli do that with Frostwyrms and with an Iron Wyrm too and he hopes it will work here as well. The blade comes down, slicing through the scales of the neck and severing the spine behind the head, the creature collapses forward and Anvari takes a hard landing into the river.


The feel of the beast dying causes a mixed reaction in Kizár. One one hand she is relieved that such a monster is gone, but on the other hand... sensing death, no matter what sort of creature it come to, is never an easy thing. It is one of the reasons why she cannot be a warrior.

Knowing it is gone she comes forward from her spot, a small smile on her face. "That went... not too badly."


Anvari gets to his feet, the blade still in hand, for a moment he can feel an echo from inside the weapon, like a touch from afar and he smiles, knowing that his twin too is just fighting somewhere. He sheathes the weapon after a moment and hugs Kizár. "You did wonderfully," he praises her. "you just slowed him enough for me to take him down."


The praise has her blushing slightly. "I... did what I could to help. I am glad it worked." She looks over the beast, trying to see past it's bulk. "I suppose now we can go on..."


Anvari can sense how uncomfortable Kizár is with this place, with the fighting, the violence. It makes him feel all the more protective of her, and he gently puts his arm around her shoulders, steering her past the bulk of the beast, where they now can pass through the tunnel.


Glad to be away from the carcass, Kizár sends her mind out ahead again, trying to sense the rock ahead for clues that they are close. The cavern the Green Haven is hidden within had a strangely dense rock around it, resistant to arcane sensing, which she cannot help but think was set as a defense to keep Dark things from reaching it and destroying the small woodland.


There is something ahead, a formation of rock that feels different than any other rock Anvari has encountered. Like the deep stone itself was fortified and strengthened, a bubble of the most powerful stone he has ever felt. "I think that is what your green haven lies in." he says to Kizár, "we just have to find a way inside... maybe the river will bring us right there." He smiles and his blue eyes sparkle at the thought of truly seeing the place they had so many beautiful dreams in.


She can feel it, the barrier. The rock ahead is what she once sensed before. It makes her smile, feeling as though she is returning to visit a much-loved old home. She trails fingers across the rock wall, letting the stone whisper it's song to her, listening to what it says of the water running through, where it passes through.

"The way narrows just up there to only a small hole..." She says of what she can sense. "That is where I got stuck, when I first came here... I jammed up the water until it built up and shoved me through."


"So that's the way we will go too." Anvari says, looking around but seeing nothing but solid rock before them. Like Mahal himself let a bubble of lava rise and form this barrier.


Knowing what she is looking for, Kizár heads straight for the hole where the water flows. "We will likely have to go via Shadow again to pass through here," She points out where she means. "Definitely not large enough for Dwarrows to pass - not even Hobbits could make it through."

She returns to his side, taking a moment to impulsively kiss him, before changing back to her stone form.


Anvari kisses her deeply, enveloping her in a fierce mental hug, before her form fades back to the stone. Carefully he hides it again, in the same pouch as before. "Don't worry, I will bring us through there." he tells her softly.Again he closes his eyes and lets the shadow slide into his form, allowing the power inside him to surge up. It is harder to accomplish here, than it was back on the other side of the passage. He focuses more intensely, to make it happen.

Nothing more but a shadow, carefully shielding Kizár again, he enters the narrow, tight passage of the river, where it shoots through the stone. It is so tight, he is not surprised that Kizár got stuck here the first time.


Her greatest worry of this journey is this stage. Anvari's Shadow form may be just enough like what the barrier seems to be in place to hold back that it may resist letting him by. Even though there is this small passage through, the arcane range of the barrier extends across the gap.


The barrier that hits them comes so fast that Anvari can barely react, except strengthening his shield for Kizár, moments before he feels a bright, terribly bright and powerful force hit him, it tears through his shadowform, ripping through it. Anvari screams and desperately tries to keep a hold of Kizár, to protect her from the power.A bright, painful radiance envelops him, like fire, like the radiance back in the sea cave long ago. Anvari tries to not fight it, except not allowing it to harm Kizár, and suddenly everything spins around them, a whirl faster and faster, the next moment he is back in his physical form and lands with a crash on the floor of an unknown cave.


The reaction of the barrier is as she feared, and no matter how she tries to reach out to it and reason with it, it is merely an artifact of power and cannot be persuaded. Even though she knows it would let her through on her own, she refuses to be parted from Anvari, holding onto him just as desperately as he holds her as the world spins and changes around them.

The change leaves her feeling dizzy at best, everything around her feeling strange and different. She clings to Anvari's presence as it recedes, unsure if her senses are deceiving her when she picks up the presence of another person.


A crashing sound through the caves draws his attention and he signals to those near him, looking towards Kélan and getting a silent nod back.


Anvari gets to his feet, he can hear noises echo through the caves, there is fighting somewhere and the stench of Orcs is also not too far away. Hastily he puts Kizár down, there is not much time for her to change back and she might need it, in case something goes wrong, he will feel better knowing she can run and flee on her own.


Kélan can feel the glance across the cave and confirms with a silent nod that he has heard the noise too. Raising his
Hand he gestures Anarion and two of the Rangers to take one side of the cave, for cover, while he advances towards the spot where he has heard the noise. It did not Sound like Orcs, yet if they dropped from the bridges above, they might as well be.


Understanding Anvari's thought, Kizár takes the opportunity to change to her Dwarrow form again, fussing a little over her dress as she lets her mind range out ahead. There is something about the figures down the passageways that is familiar, yet not. Murmuring in Anvari's mind she tells him what she senses. 'Men... a Dwarf with them... but... he's-' She cringes a bit. 'Hurt. Broken. I can't-'


Boromir takes up a position that mirrors Kélan, blade at the ready as they make the turn around a bend. Dwarves? Most of those who had been willing to join the fight were back behind, and these two... They looked healthy, well-dressed. The young dwarrow-man was well-armed, the lass (why would a lady Dwarf be down here?) he could see wore leather vambraces and bore a dagger.


Anvari heard Kizár's shocked whisper, her warning and moved between her and the approaching men. Stormfire ready in his hand, he'd not allow them to get to Kizár. The shadowy shapes became clearer and he almost gasped when he recognized the Menfolk warrior - he looked much like Aesir, only he was not... the armor he wore was definitely of Gondorian making, the coat of arms the White Tree... Anvari had seen such armor during the Ringwar. How... what happened?

"Stay your blades, we are not Orcs." he said out lout in the Western tongue, glad that the long time with the Menfolk had finally reduced his reluctance to speak Westron.


Kélan's eyes widen when he sees the two dwarrow standing there, it has been long, very long since he saw two dwarrow so well fed and healthy. The young warrior wears an armor of dwarven making, chainmail with plate pieces, both good, expensive work, and the sword he wields glows to Kélan's eyes. The dwarf lass has been careless to not dress like a male dwarf when journeying, that dress is dangerous and her armor is light. Both have something vaguely familiar... maybe it is the braids they wear, that declare both of Durin's folk, even as Kélan cannot recognize the familial pattern.


Seeing Aesir- *Boromir* so different than she knows - even different than the Boromir she knew in the other life - but upon spotting the Dwarf that comes up the other side - the one who felt so hurt - she cannot keep back the soft cry of pain. "Kíli..."


Boromir hears the soft word but exactly what the lass says is lost to his ear, but the pained tone is evident enough. Why she would react so to Kélan he knows not, unless by some chance she knows him. He has his doubts about that though, Kélan has said before that after his uncle's death, no Dwarf now lived who would give much of any care for his well-being, likely treating him as filth for having been a slave.

"It would be advisable that you identitfy yourself and explain how you come to be in such a place."


Anvari's eyes stray from Boromir to the dwarf by his side and he understands why Kizár reacted so strongly to him. He is taller than Anvari, but *thin* not just the lean shape Kíli always had, but thin in a way that speaks of years of hardships, his dark hair is streaked with iron grey and tied back to not hinder him. His armor - Anvari almost flinches when he realized that this Kíli wears something that probably came from a Gondorian armory. Wherever they are... they are not home.

Boromir's words do not make him lower his blade but meet the man's eyes levelly. "My name is Anvari, son of..." he cannot say Kíli, not Fili... who knows what happened to them. "Son of Aesir." he claims the name of the other father he still has. "And this is my betrothed, Kizár daughter of Narvi." He knows that the old blind crafter would forgive him the blatant lie.


Kíli... his name, a name that died with him the day he was dragged off the bloody fields and made a slave. How would this young dwarrow lass know it? Kélan shivers when he hears Narvi's name. "My name is Kélan." he introduces himself, as well. The name means as much as "the fallen one" and will signify to other dwarrow that he is a shamed one. "And the Captain is right - you should not be here. This is not a place for a dwarrowdam walking in the open." he adds with a glance to Kizár.


Anvari tenses when he recognizes the name. Kélan. The fallen One. The dishonored One. A shamed name. He tries to keep calm, he needs to talk their way out of this. At least he recognizes this hall at least, which is something. "Kizár and I were on a life quest, Kélan, before we are bonded, we were to return an ancient relic of her House to the grave of her great ancestor here in Mt. Gundabad. But when we tried to reach the sanctuary something happened..."


Kizár has to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from protesting as she hears the name. After so long dealing with the freed slaves she knows the patterns of slave-names quite well, and understands the appellation this... apparition takes and the meanings behind it. She only barely catches the reason Anvari gives for their presence, catching herself and nodding in echo of his words.


Boromir watches the both of them carefully, and while he notes no truly ill intent, something seems out of place about Anvari's explanation of why they would be there. Surely they would know of the campaign to clear the orcs out and arm themselves better? Whatever could possibly happen that would make then so unwary? But more than that, he sees the continued reaction from Kizár. Despite whatever they say, she somehow recognises Kélan and finds his presence distressing.

"It is not advisable that you stay in this area, there is ongoing fighting not far from here. It would be advisable that you accompany us back to our camp, and we will have to see where we go from there." His tone of voice is cool, a subtle implication that they may consider this pair still somewhat suspicious, and may hold them until the suspicion has passed, or otherwise know the full details of their quest.


Kélan can only agree with Boromir's caution, something is off about those two, and while his natural inclination would be to protect them, he cannot afford any tension between himself, and his leader. Still, there *is* a point in Anvari's story that does not add up. Anvari - Child of the Night, the name of a great hero too, strange choice for any parent to make. Too proud, too confident a name. "How did you plan on entering the ancient sanctuary?" he asks. "Not even I know where they are - and I dare say there have not been dwarrow who have known how to get in there since the days of Durin IV."


Anvari winces at Boromir's words, though being brought to the surface would increase their chances of escape. But when Kélan speaks he almost feels betrayed, he never was on opposing sides with Kíli. No, this is not Kíli, this Kélan, and Anvari has to be wary of him. "The secret survived in a few families," he replies, how could he forget that they only know their way around that part, because Rú remembered the hidden doors and passwords from the first age? "Kizár's family is not one to forget easily."

He sheathes his blade and turns back to Boromir. "We are not your enemies, Captain fo Gondor," this is a long shot but the armor suggest that's what he still is. "and if you wish for us to depart for the surface, we will do so."


Kizár stays quiet, tearing her eyes away from Kélan to stop her mind from thinking too hard on his state. Wherever they may be, they are far from their home, even further than the Wanderer was when he was drawn to their world.

Taking Anvari's move as a guide, she puts away her own blade as well, glancing shyly up at Boromir as he begins to usher them to follow him.


If nothing else, at least these two will come quietly for the time being. To Anvari he nods. "That would be for the best. IF you would," he inclines his head towards the direction he came. "We should go there now."

Maybe once they are there, they may get more information.


Anvari moves closer to Kizár, his entire demeanor making it clear that who comes too close to her, is in trouble. As they follow the gesture where they are to go, he uses the chance to take Kizár's hand, to gently squeeze it. Up there they'd be able to get away easier than down here. If Boromir is his usual, efficient self, he'd have all exits from the mountain blocked.


Kélan follows the gesture as well, falling into step closer to Kizár, but mindful of the defensive distance her betrothed has set. "There is no reason to be scared," he says to her. "we will not harm you in any way." She was frightened before, when she saw him and he knows he must look like a wild one to her eyes, something that crawled from the pits. And there is a part of him that wants to make sure she is alright, maybe somewhere inside he remembers that a Lady deserves protection. Even on a field of war.


"I am-" It is not easy for her, talking to Kélan, given how far from the confident, healthy Kíli she knows. "I'm not scared, it is merely that you... remind me of someone I know."

She does not want to speak too much of it as they walk, it is not something that would be easy to speak of, if at all advisable to do so. She will have to consult with Anvari, if they have a chance to do so.


The Gondorian escorts them back to the rest of his men, signalling that they will be heading back to camp. One of Anarion's Rangers takes up a position going ahead to make sure nothing has got between them and the surface, as well as Anarion himself and the other Ranger following up behind, both to guard their backs and to have extra eyes on their... guests.


*I once had a friend who looked like you and I should not like to see his face in one such as you.* Kélan does not flinch when he understands what is said between the lines, even thought Kizár tries to be polite and not say it outright. He averts his eyes, not giving anything away. "Of course. I am sorry that I do remind you of him." he replies calmly, before speeding up to return to his duty on making sure they get back to camp safely.


Anvari firmly takes hold of Kizár's hand, trying to calm her. They will have to be careful. However they got stranded here, they are amongst dangerous people and Kélan is hardly the most talky of people. He turns a glance to the tall Gondorian walking with them, being ever watchful. "You dedicate a lot of attention to us, Captain." he begins speaking, they might have to work on this Boromir a bit. "and while I might be flattered that you think me that dangerous - it is more attention that we are worth. We had no intention to get in the way of your advance." His eyes stray over the topside surroundings, the familiar ridges of the Misty Mountains. What in the name of the ancient fires is Gondor doing so far North?!


She flinches at the tone of Kélan's words, sensing that he has been hurt by what she said in some way. It is all she can do not to make another distressed sound again and she clings to Anvari - both by hand and by hiding her distressed thoughts in his shadows.


"Dangerous or not, that you turn up in the middle of an orc den right in the middle of a war... It is, at the least, best if you were to stay out of the direct conflict... until matters are clearer." Boromir knows that some of the surviving communities of Dwarves in the north have anything from questionable right through to unacceptable conduct. Kélan has already told him of those who would deal directly with orcs, selling off captives into slavery. These two do not strike him as such people, but caution is worth being taken anyway.

If they truly are innocent, a small amount of time under the watch of the Reunited Kingdom's forces should not put them out too much on their quest.


Anvari sighs. Leave it to Boromir to be stubborn, he really has a penchant for that. He nods and walks on with Kizár. As they reach the encampment - and Gondor is really having a sizable number of fighters here - they pass by Kélan again, who probably helped secure their path down into the valley. Anvari ignores him mostly, though in the harsh daylight he can even see more clearly that this is not the Kíli he knew from home and studies the camp. Anything they will learn now might be important later on.


Kélan watches as the two proceed into the camp, Anarion having their passage to a place where they may rest for the moment well in hand. He sees that the young dwarrow is studying the camp sharply, he does not like being captured and he certainly does bear watching. Looking after them, Kélan's heart is torn again, but he keeps that at bay. He waits until Boromir reaches him, wondering what they are going to do with those two.


Though she remains distressed by this situation, Kizár does pay attention to what is around her. Maybe it is her experience with her Elven family and the subtlties of Valinorian art and the issues of crafter's marks that makes her pick out small details like the way the White Tree is depicted on the banners and flags. She knows that before the War of the Ring, when there was no king on the throne, the tree was depicted with branches that curved downwards - an old, wearying tree as the real white tree was. This white tree shown around the camp is shown more spritely, with upward branches.

If nothing else, it would be a sign that it is definitely after the War, and Aragorn holds the throne.


He sees the two to the central tents of the camp, seeing to them settling into one of the meeting tents. He pauses to look at Kélan, a frown of concern for the Dwarf. "If you would prefer not to speak with them, I am sure I could deal with them, though your help would be appreciated. My knowledge of Dwarven custom is... not much more than as much as you have told me."


Kélan shakes his head. "I will be there as well." he says firmly. "those two present several riddles, to say the least." And he might be able to help them, even though he has no reason to fear for them in any way. Boromir has done much to aid those who came out of the pits alive, something for which Kélan always will be grateful.

"Anvari is young, younger than he admits, not more than 80 or maybe 90 but that's it. That puts him on average with a 20 year old Gondorrim warrior, but he holds himself with a confidence that bespeaks experience." Kélan offers some of his insights. "His armor is that of a dwarrow of some standing, though I do not recognize the symbol on it. Both wear bond braids, meaning they are betrothed, but those braids are unadorned, which does not fit with their other clothes and weapons. And Kizár, she is... I think she is more shy than she likes to admit. Frightened too."


Boromir nods, listening as Kélan offers his insights on the pair. "Do you think they can be from the troublesome clans? They do not seem so, but I must take care in any case."


"The braids they wear imply that they are of my... of Durin's folk." Kélan corrected the slip almost effortlessly, he has gotten used to the fact that he is not of their people any more. "and their looks certainly do match it. Which leaves even more questions."


Anvari nods quietly to the Ranger Anarion who has pointed them to a place where they can sit, they are also allowed some water and food, even as the guards remain close by. He turned to Kizár, taking her hands between his. "They won't leave us alone for long," he said in Khuzdul. "who'd have ever so thought that Boromir can be so frustratingly stubborn?" He shakes his head. "I doubt they would believe us, if we told them our story."


"Boromir can be stubborn, and I can only think that he may see reason for us to be so, turning up as we have." Kizár says between sips of water. "It would have been brought into question to find a couple of well-dressed dwarrows in the Deeps in our own war to reclaim Moria."

She remains shaken by the strangeness of this place, but having time to rest and eat helps calm her, allowing her to assess what she senses of this world.


Boromir steps into the tent, mindful of what Kélan has said, intended or not. He did catch that slip, despite how quick Kélan corrected it, which might answer one small factor - how the lady of the pair might recognise him. He pours himself some water before he comes to sit.

"I would offer my assurance that you are not prisoners, though if your quest means you much be in the mountain, it might be best if you stay here at the camp until we have fully secured it"


Anvari watches Boromir as he sits down with them, he looks so different from Aesir, harder, maybe a little more lonely, tough. "We would certainly not wish to get in the way of your cleaning of that mountain." he replies, no commander likes strangers in his combat zone, Boromir least of all. "and we would not wish to endanger your people through our presence, while we seek entrance to the graves anew." They will need unsupervised access to the place where they landed, to try and riddle out what threw them here. "If you were allow us to stay until the Greyfather's Peak is secured, we can maybe find a way to repay your kindness?" Now this last thing is something that comes straight from Kíli, he often had told Anvari how during his youthful wanderings it had helped him to offer his services in return for shelter or information.


Kélan had entered after Boromir, a short exchange of gestures with Anarion calms the Ranger that Boromir is not alone with two potentially dangerous dwarrow. He studies Kizár's face careful not to stare at her. In a painful way her features are familiar, and she so strongly reminds him of things long gone.


With her senses open as they are, she cannot help but notice Kélan's attention directed towards her. It makes her in turn study him closely. Aside from the obvious condition - his thinness that surpasses anything she ever saw in her Wanderer brother, greying hair, hard lines of harsh living on his face - the way he appears to her arcane viewpoint is even more different.

His fire is there, but it lacks the level of control she knows in Kíli, something she presumes comes from not being taught the sort of techniques Russandol has at his command. He also shows the signs of what he has lived with - years of brutal treatment at orc hands - marring his spirit. Too much harsh treatment can leave permanent scars on a spirit and this is what she perceives.

Her hand reflexively clenches over the hidden pouch she is carrying the Wardstone in.


The offer of repayment surprises him, but he keeps it from showing on his face as best as he may. "That you would offer so would answer a great many of my concerns with your presence here." He avoids looking for Kélan, who he knows is there, but has not stepped forward. "I would ask that you be escorted at all times while you are here, and when the mountain is cleared we can further discuss your... quest."


Kélan pulls the glance away from Kizár, he is prone to believe that she might be from the Dwenderholm gate, she has the aura that heralds a dwarrow with the talent. He also sees Boromir's glance that questions why he does not step it up and reminds himself of his task here. He turns to them. "Maybe you can truly prove helpful." he says to Anvari. "You mentioned that you had knowledge of some of the lost doors of the Mountain and an alternate entrance to the Blood hall - the former Hall of ceremonies - would vastly aid us to take out the 'ruler' of that mountain."


Anvari tilts his head looking at Kélan, trying to assess him, trying to understand what he faced with. "You want a go at their leader? I take it Bolg or some of his ilk are holing up there, waiting for you to come in?"


Kélan frowns deeply. "Bolg? He might be there, too. My concern is the Pale Orc, he is our big problem in these parts." He forces himself to speak calmly of Azog, to not show horror or fear. He has been in that Orc's hands for too long, borne too much of his vengeance to not fear him, but he cannot afford to appear weak.


"Azog? Azog the Defiler still lives?" Anvari chokes half on the words. The pale Orc astride the white warg has featured heavily into stories from his childhood and more than few delightful frights of a small dwarfling too. But to hear him alive and still haunting this land... "I thought he died, that he fell in battle long ago."


A harsh laugh that is devoid of any humor escapes Kélan's throat. "Those are childhood tales, young one." he says harshly. "he escaped his death... twice. He is who holds the Orcs of the North in thrall. He and that bastard down in the High fells."


Kizár listens to the news that the Pale Orc still lives. Is that why Kíli- *Kélan* is so different? Did the white monster continue his grudge against the line of Durin by chasing down and taking captive the last survivor? If that were the case, she would gladly turn her powers on the orc and burn him for hurting this shadow of her brother.


Boromir listens to the discussion, going over in his mind the sort of attack they would be able to make if they have a way through into those central halls. He takes note how Anvari reacts, finding it quite the peculiarity that he would not know of the white orc.


Kélan feels Kizár's eyes on him and averts his eyes, not ready to face the shame head on. He forces himself to focus and listen to what Boromir says.


Anvari bites back the shock. Azog alive... and for all that damned dwarven customs he practically managed to wipe out the line of Durin. Does Boromir even know who Kélan was? No, most likely not. How could he? He moves his hand over the embers in the brazier and makes the flames form a map of the Mountain. "There are two alternate ways in, one through the ancient hall of Kings and one through the Guardsman's gallery." he explains, meeting Boromir's eyes. "and I will come with you, when you go against Azog."


The trick with the fire makes him blink, though having a definite map makes it easier to determine a course to go. "While the hall of Kings looks broader, it does not look like it would offer near as much cover on the approach. The Guardsman;s gallery would give that... at sacrifice of numbers..." He looks at Anvari over the flames. "Would you be able to transfer this map to paper? It would make it easier to go over."


Anvari blinks surprised reminding himself that in this world Boromir will not expect him to simply freeze the firemap and make it a small model to debate over. "Certainly." he replies politely.


Kélan looks at him, then to Kizár and back. "If you are set on going with us, that is fine." he decides. "But your Lady will not go into such danger." he says firmly and with a bit more force than usual. He turns to Kizár. "There is a safe place where you can rest, while your bondmate is with us. It's not much... but you will be safe and able to rest from your wanderings."


Something in Kélan's words sparks that hint of anger in her, bringing her to her feet and stepping over to look him in the eye.

"We may be strangers here to this- *region*, but I am well aware of the tale of Azog the Defiler." Her voice is hard as she speaks. "I would gladly wield the fire that would have him dying a slow painful death for what he has done to the people of Durin." Something in her whole manner turns sharp and she switches into Khuzdul. "For what it is evident he has put the last of the true line of Durin through, Kíli, son of Thorin."


All colour fades from Kélan's face as she speaks that name, a name that he has no right to... "Kíli, Son of Thorin died, he fell in battle as did his Uncle and his brother." he says, his voice rough, trying to somehow keep it together. "He was one of the many who died today. Do not defile his memory by linking him to me, Kizár... please." The last is a plea, a plea not to make the full scope of it known.


Kizár takes a breath at his statement, but she will not back down on her choice. "Then let me avenge him, for the memory of another life, where he did not suffer such a fate. If you have armour I may use, I will take it. But I cannot sit back at camp, waiting on this."


He watches the exchange in Dwarvish, frowning at how whatever she has said as shaken Kélan badly. Somehow she knows something about him that bothers him.


Slowly Kélan forces his mien to become calmer, to hide the pain, he has learned that well enough. "If that is your wish, Kizár," he says in Westron after a moment. "I have some armor pieces that should fit you, and it would be safer for you too."


Anvari can see Boromir's puzzled glance and moves to get his attention. "Kizár has decided that we both will come with you. Her family, much as mine, has their own vengeance against the Orcs, though I deem the loss she had much harder to bear than my own." Because it hurts Kizár much more, because she wants to save Kélan somehow, and yet it is doubtful that he could be saved. Or maybe he could? Anvari is not sure about anything at this point.


"That would be welcome, Kélan." She takes his lead and turns back to Westron. She tries to calm the fire that has sprung up inside her, knowing she would best not let her temper get too out of control. If there is one thing that always awakened it, it is danger to her family, to Kíli, Aesir, likely to Anvari too, though she knows all three are capable warriors. For the fact that he is Kíli, however damaged he may be, Kélan has awoken it too, making her want to find a way to heal him, even if only a little.


Boromir can only nod to Anvari's words, wondering about what the orc may have done to her family, and how it links her to Kélan. It is evident enough that the two matters are connected.


Anvari rises to put his arm around Kizár protectively. "We'll find a way," he whispers into her ear. They will find a way, maybe that is why they are here - to help, or to learn something. Stranger things have happened in the world. And maybe they can make a difference. Somehow.

To Be Continued...

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