
katie · @hoodedhawks

8th Jan 2014 from TwitLonger

@GardenerMellors Ok. My aunt was at this really post hotel in London years ago (we're talking pre-smoking ban here), waiting in the bar for my cousins. She was sitting at a table, and at the one beside her, there was a guy smoking. She coughed, and he turned round and asked her if his smoking was bothering her. She said it was, and he apologised profusely and put it out.

So then he asks her what she's doing sitting alone, and invites her to sit with him. My aunt has absolutely no fucking idea that it's Keanu Reeves, and she sits with him, and they chat for a bit. She tells him all about how she's waiting for Elizabeth and John coming to take her out for dinner. He's being absolutely lovely and listening and asking all about them - this was about the time my uncle passed the bar exam, so she's giving it big licks about John too.

She sits chatting to him for about an hour and a half, and then my cousins arrive. Aunt's giving it "oh, it was lovely to meet you, you enjoy London, go to Big Ben, blah blah blah, and he says it was lovely to meet her, and he's sorry about the cigarette, and says hello to Elizabeth and John, and congratulates John on passing the bar. They leave, and John goes "Mum, do you know who that was?" She says, nope, no idea. "That was Keanu Reeves, Mum," he tells her. And then she freaked out because she hadn't realised that he was Ted in Bill & Ted and she fucking loved that movie.

And that's the story of the time Keanu Reeves was lovely to my Aunt.

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