Thank you to those of you who have offered your support today. For obvious reasons I am staying off twitter as much as possible today, as inevitably the renewed attention will mean renewed abuse (hopefully not actual threats, but you never know).

To the media, apologies for not being very available at the moment. This news is a bit of a shock and I wasn't prepared for the phone explosion. I do not want to give multiple short interviews all saying the same thing, so for those of you who are just after a quick statement, I hope this will do:

I am hugely relieved that these two defendants have pleaded guilty, meaning that there is no need for a trial and for the whole process to drag on longer - it has already dragged on for almost six months, with all the attendant anxiety you'd expect. This is not a joyful day; these two abusers reflect a small drop in the ocean, both in terms of the amount of abuse I received across July and August, but also in terms of the abuse that other women receive online - women who have little to no recourse to justice. However, I hope that for some people who are watching, this conviction will be a warning: online abuse is not consequence-free. I hope that some people watching will think twice before abusing someone else. There is not much else I can say given there are other cases still on-going.

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