
스테파니 · @5StarsAs1

28th Dec 2013 from TwitLonger

[Fanacc] Cody was very caring taking care of HJ. When HJ was filming, she wore his jacket to warm it up for HJ to wear later. She also put warm bottles in the jacket for HJ to warm up his face. She also gave HJ a neck massage after HJ talked a lot after the filming.

During filming, HJ had very little NG cuts because of him. He wore very little and thin clothings despite the cold weather in China. He walked up quickly to director and the crew too when they called for a meeting/discussion. When resting, HJ practiced for his lines and did some warm up as well. When he spotted children on set, he will gaze at them as if he was addicted to those children (aww!!!)

Source: henecia-爱疯了 @ weibo

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