I've learned a lot this past year. Although I've apologized for hurtful comments I made on this past season of Big Brother, I feel as though I need to do more. I believe actions speak louder than words. My new years resolution is to use my public platform to raise awareness of the racism and bigotry that still exists today, and to help to put an end to it. #stophate Here's a short video I watched that I wanted to share with you all. We are all equal, no matter the color of our skin, our beliefs, or our sexual orientation. If racism, and hate is learned, then we should take action to educate the ignorance, rid the hate, and spread the love. Thank you for taking this time to read my first TwitLonger entry. Please take a moment to watch and understand that together we can make a change. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgCYsIsnOBY
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