Update: Well it happened, we hit one of those annoying bugs/issues. The modpack testing is well underway and a couple of them are nearing the stability we want in our packs. The launcher will launch minecraft. However the way we had been uploading mod packs for the launcher no longer works. Right now the launcher can connect to a server for downloading packs, but because of changes to format we don't have a way to get the modpacks to the location the launcher can download from. So right now we have 2 of the requirements for a release coming along. We have a launcher and we have modpacks. But the team is having to rewrite the section that combines the modpacks with the launcher. On the plus side once done it will be much easier then before for the modpack team or third party mod pack creators to create and load their packs. On the downside we don't know how long the update will take. We'll keep posting updates as we have news.

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