
idk 5SOS · @5sosFam

1st Dec 2013 from TwitLonger

30 Day Challenge!
20th Day 20th Challenge!
Where would you like to visit or live one day?

I would love to go to London. It would be suuuuper awesome to live there, but of course it's one of the most expensive cities in the world, so those chances are pretty low haha. Maybe when I marry a member of 1D or 5SOS then I'll have enough money to live there. Or Josh Hutcherson. Whoever loves me the most. Wow ok off topic but yes the answer is London!!!! :-)

30 Day Challenge!
21st Day 21st Challenge!
List 5 words or phrases that make you laugh.

1. "Turdy-seven"
2. "Chicago, the windy city." (Sorry it's an inside joke with my friend haha)
3. "Thirty one and a haaaalf" (also an inside joke I swear I'm not that crazy :-))
4. "Stop fuckin with Korean Jesus! He ain't got time for your problems! He's busy...with Korean shit!" Quote from 21 Jumpstreet
5. "Is it hi or hey?"

30 Day Challenge!
22nd Day 22 Challenge!
What is your most prized possession and why?

Probably my phone. I literally use it for everything, and everything on it is something that I'd be really upset if I lost, like pictures and contacts and stuff. That's why it sucks cuz right now it's broken and the battery life is messed up and it doesn't always charge so I can't always use it and I hope I can fix it!!!!!

30 Days Challenge!
23rd Day 23rd Challenge!
What is one thing you are excited about!

I'm going to New York over Easter break to sing in Carnegie Hall!!! My whole choir is going and it's gonna be so much fun, I've never been there so I can't wait. I have only been on vacations to beaches, so it'll be cool to go on a more "sight-seeing vacation"!!!

30 Days Challenge!
24th Day 24th Challenge!
What book are you currently reading or what was the last book you read?

I'm just about to start the third book in the Divergent series, called Allegiant. The Divergent series is sooooo good, I recommend them to anybody who liked the hunger games or books like that. The Divergent movie is coming out soon, so if you haven't read the series I would definitely start reading now so that you finish by when the first movie comes out!!

30 Day Challenge!
25th Day 25th Challenge!
Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

If we're talking Disney princesses, Cinderella has always been and will always be my favorite! But if we're thinking more like Disney Pixar stuff, then I like Russell and Doug from Up!! Up is like my favorite movie ever, I've watched it so many times and it still makes me cry haha

30 Day Challenge!
26th Day 26th Challenge!
Name 10 places you would like to visit.

1. NYC
2. LA
3. Vancouver
4. London
5. Dublin
6. Italy
7. Australia
8. Bora bora
9. Fiji
10. Hawaii

30 Day Challenge!
27th Day 27th Challenge!
Are you messy or neat?

Definitely messy.
So so so so so so messy.
It gets really bad sometimes.

30 Day Challenge!
28th Day 28th Challenge!
What are your top 3 favorite bands?

1. 5SOS
2. 1D
3. All Time Low

30 Day Challenge!
29th Day 29th Challenge!
What are some of your fears?

This is a good question. I'm afraid of a lot of things. I'm afraid people don't like me. I'm afraid that I'll let down my family. I'm afraid of the unknown future. I'm afraid that my life will go no where. I'm afraid that I won't find a husband. I'm afraid of financial instability. I'm afraid that I'll fail finals in a couple of weeks. I'm afraid that my grandparents are going to die soon. I'm afraid that I'll die before I get to do anything with my life. I'm afraid that I'm going to live a boring life. I'm afraid I'll never be able to find myself.
Sometimes it all just gets overwhelming.

30 Day Challenge!
30th Day 30th Challenge!
Why did your start blogging and what is the origin behind your blog's name?

Well I don't blog, so I'll just use my Twitter username haha. Well I'm a part of @5sosFam. I joined co-owning a couple months ago, and it's been so much fun! We post updates about the 5sos boys, but we also just kind of fan girl over stuff and idk it's just fun to interact with people with the same interests as you :-) :-) :-)

Sara from @5sosFam :-)

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