Colin’s reaction to the Pilling Report
Changing Attitude England has a vision. We are working for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people at every level of ministry in the Church of England. We campaign from our experience of God’s unconditional, infinite love for the whole of creation.
Changing Attitude England has two primary goals: for the church to welcome loving, faithfully committed same-sex couples, offering services of prayer and dedication in church; and for equality in ministry for lay and ordained LGB&T people, including those living in committed relationships which may be expressed sexually.
We evaluate the Pilling report in the context of our vision and goals, in the wider context of theology, mission and pastoral effectiveness, and in the specific context of the current teaching and practice of the Church of England as defined by the 1987 General Synod motion, Issues in Human Sexuality 1991, and Lambeth Conference resolution 1.10 of 1998.
The House of Bishops Review Group chaired by Sir Joseph Pilling suffered from a fundamental flaw when the group was created – the absence of an openly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender members of the group.
In dealing with the role of women in the church and the process of formulating legislation leading to the full inclusion of women in the episcopate the bishops learnt a critical lesson – women are integral to the process and have to be included in the conversations; they have to be present around the table, their voices heard.
The Review Group’s report is inevitably inadequate. LGB&T voices were absent in the group. The presence of conservative members with strongly held convictions about homosexuality and an inadequate grasp of LGB&T experience and the gospel imperative of justice for all has resulted in an unbalanced report. We know the heart of many bishops is unsympathetic to current policy.
Following the commitment of the House of Bishops and College of Bishops to include women at their meetings, I believe the College of Bishops should consider inviting a number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Anglicans to the meeting on 27 January 2014 when the Pilling Report will be discussed in detail.
The inadequacies of the report result from the theology held as orthodox and traditional by many Christians, belief in the Bible as the literal, inerrant Word of God, and belief in God as a supernatural being, remote from the world, who is primarily a law-giver and rule-maker, judging our lives and behaviour.
The report lacks empathy and compassion for LGB&T people. It lacks the courage needed to free the church from gender and sexuality-based prejudice and hypocrisy. It lacks the vision needed to over systemic homophobia in the church.
The trustees of Changing Attitude England know that the majority of bishops understand this. It is now time for them to use this flawed report creatively to transform the lives and ministries of LGB&T Anglicans, our families, friends and congregations – and ultimately to continue to transform the church itself.
Bishops, of course, know the truth about God revealed in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. God is the infinitely compassionate Father who runs with open arms towards his child, extending an unconditional welcome to the wayward son, celebrating his return with a banquet. We wait with hopeful expectation for the bishops to extend an all-embracing welcome to LGB&T people.
The social and legal status of LGB&T people in British society has been transformed since the 1997 General Election. There is now a radical disjunction between attitudes in society in general and Christian attitudes as reported by the media. Conservative Christians argue that society is moving away from the laws of God as enshrined in scripture. As noted above, people in secular society disagree. They think the Church, far from following the teaching of Jesus, is trapped in attitudes which are contrary to the nature of God as revealed in scripture and creation.
They are also well aware that the Church is dishonest. There are bishops who are gay, and bishops who turn a blind eye to single and partnered LGB&T people in ministry, and bishops who turn a blind eye when clergy allow services in church following a civil partnership.
Many LGB&T clergy and readers have survived thanks to those bishops who have been warm and affirming towards those in their dioceses who have felt safe enough to be open. There are many in the Church who continue to fear for their security were the bishop to discover they are gay and partnered.
We all collude in one way or another with this ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ culture. It is corrosive of trust, transparency and the flourishing of individuals in relationship and ministry.
We encourage the House of Bishops to explore ways in which the place of LGB&T people in the Church can begin to change now in parallel with the conversations. Delaying further progress for another two years will test our patience and tolerance of what is already an intolerable environment in the Church.

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