
Chris K · @chrisk_allday

23rd Nov 2013 from TwitLonger

I don't like being called a liar. My experience with Andy Herren is the truth. As for the profile picture on my Twitter, the reason I used that one is because I am not out to my family yet. They do not know I am gay. I wanted a picture to represent not only my likeness, but also something that represented the greatness of being a gay man. For the confusion and any drama it may have caused him, I truly apologize to Carter Gibson. It was never my intention to drag him into this.

I don't know what else I can say or do, but this is my true story. My goal was not to hurt Andy but to hopefully inspire his family and friends to step in and give him the help that he needs. Instead I was met with hate, outrage, and denials. The important thing is that Andy knows that I am telling the truth. Regardless of what he says (or his cast members who apparently think they were on the date with us as well) he knows he was a drunk mess.

I practically had to hold him up as we walked back to his place. He wanted to stop and prop up against the giraffe statue at his corner because he was about to vomit again. It must've taken more than 10 minutes just to get him up Roscoe St. and back home. In fact he almost tripped over the gate you have to open to get inside.

I don't find any of this fun or amusing. I am just concerned. I may be many things but I am NOT a liar (despite the profile picture saga) and I will not be speaking of this again. If anything bad happens to Andy, or he ends up dead, don't blame me for trying to help. Maybe think before you judge me and speak out for telling the truth. The man I saw was in trouble.

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