
idk 5SOS · @5sosFam

2nd Nov 2013 from TwitLonger

30 Day Challenge!!
2nd Day 2nd Challenge!
what's your middle name and describe its significance

well my middle name is Christine, so my full name is Sara Christine Anderson. probably the most boring and generic name ever, right? so one day this past summer i asked my mom why she named me such a boring name like I said "why didn't you name me Sara Jo or something atleast?" and she sat there and thought for a moment and then she was like "oooh that's cute, you're legally an adult now so you should change it!" and I was like uuuuuhh nooo that's ok haha so yeah my middle name is still Christine, it's not significant or anything i think my mom just liked it

-sara from @5sosFam :-)

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