Sorry to beat a dead horse but...just read an inane interview where Aaryn Gries claimed she's not a racist or homophobe "in ANY way" (LOL). This young lady still doesn't get it. Racism isn't an identity. It's not a WHO YOU ARE. It's a WHAT YOU DO, or a set of actions. Put differently, racism is NOT an inherent, immutable trait or identity, like being gay, white, heterosexual, black, etc. People aren't born racist.Racism describes what a person DOES, how they speak, the way they view and treat other people. Each time she claims, "I'm not a racist in any way" (a direct quotation), she spits in the face of each community she denigrated in the house. Check out the rest of her unintentionally hilarious ramblings here: It's definitely worth the read. My favorite line from the interview: "On the professional front, she said her representatives at Integrated PR in Los Angeles are putting together a hosting reel for possible TV jobs. She also mentioned two interviews lined up for November: for a role in a miniseries and a small part in a feature film." LOL. Good luck with that. Aaryn doesn't need a PR firm. She needs a therapist. She doesn't need somebody to help her spin the sh#tty things she said about Asian, gay, and African American people. She needs to take a critical theory class. I don't mean to throw too much salt in her self-inflicted wounds. As somebody who wrote extensively about her behavior this summer, I hope (perhaps against hope) that one day she has a _nuanced_ understanding of why her words were hurtful to the groups she implicated. One day, she may comprehend the insult-to-injury suggestion that she's NOT AT ALL racist and homophobic. Signed, one of those "queers" America "always votes for." Ok, the horse is officially out of blood. Just had to get that out after I saw Braden retweet her calling her haters "hypocrites."