‪@frontback777‬ In reply to http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rpttuf:

darling, you have no idea how easily tnz gets furious, facing stupidity, injustice, hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness, manipulations, unfair games, lies, etc, etc..
you have no idea how many reason to feel pain and anger we've got, how many dirty, ugly things we've seen and how many sick, unfair, fake people we've met here, in that seemingly funny adventure, which is actually the hardest trial... sometimes being here is a kind of walking on the razor's edge - painful, as every step for Little Mermaid. you have no idea how hard it is to control own helpless anger and manage this 'pain of knowing'... tolerance has never been tnz's forte.

but, but
YOU know tnz as a reckless, cold-blooded, (relatively;) calm, rather rational than emotional, permanently laughing jester, 'the good knight without fear and without reproach.'
Hell, NO.
this is just a tiny, cool tip of a hot, secretly burning iceberg.
This is how we "choose to react to that "darkest hour".

wanted to say by this just -->
believe, tnz knows how hard it is for you, really knows.

There are times when you can't do anything else, but laugh.
and nothing else can bring a little light - but only make it worse.

You can't seat every person who thinks differently in front of you, take them by hand
and make them believe your words.
you can't change the state of things right now and this way - arguing fiercely..
so please, don't multiple those negative entities (words, arguments) without necessity,
this can't help us right now, can only make it worse.
but don't rip your heart, don't waste your energy.
Just ignore it.

"Pain can be controlled - you just disconnect it."
you know it very well.


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