
Siri · @SirilovesKevin

12th Oct 2013 from TwitLonger

On Friday nights I think, what the heck am I doing here

Three years ago Sauli Koskinen was dropping snow down from VR’s engineering works roof. One day he decided to go to Los Angeles. Settling down in America was harder than he thought.

“Great that you’re at my party”, says singer Elton John to Sauli Koskinen. Sauli thanks and says that it’s an honor to be there. Elton is arranging an afterparty for the Oscars at West Hollywood. There are big tables with white tablecloths, crystal glasses and expensive tablewear in the big hall.
Elton presents Sauli to his son, Zachary. The little boy has blonde curls and blue eyes.
From the other side of the room Sauli reaches for his partners, singer Adam Lamberts look. They smile. Sauli feels like he’s privileged.
The guests walk between the tables and greet each other. Sauli talks with a few known actors.
All kind of stuff, Sauli thinks. He’s amused for a while. The boy from Hyvinkää at a world class party. But the feeling only lasts for a while.

“I was always taken good care of. Everyone were friendly. I’m grateful that I got to experience something like that”, Sauli says now.
He’s sitting in a café at Helsinki, eating fruit curd. A big training bag is at his feet, that has training gear for the gym, and ice skating gear for tonight’s training.
Sauli lives in Helsinki at the moment because he’s in the show Dancing On Ice.
Sauli coughs. The cold ice skating hall weather has made him catch a cold. He tightens his black scarf and smiles. Altogether Sauli smiles a lot.

And we remember how everything started. Let’s jump six years back in time.
Sauli wins the second season of Finland’s Big Brother. The producer of the show says after the result, that it was obvious that he was chosen for the show. He seemed open and happy.
After his win, Sauli starts working as a host and a journalist.
Then it clicks.
The american singer, second in American Idol, Adam Lambert is having a concert in Finland. The night continues in a nightclub in Helsinki. The same one, where Sauli is partying with his friends.
Sauli won’t talk about what happened that night. Three weeks later Sauli makes a decision that he won’t forget.
It’s a morning in January. Sauli is working as a ‘snow dropper’ at VR’s engineering works. He stands on the roof, throwing snow on the ground. Shovelful after shovelful.
At the same time he’s thinking. Adam has invited him to visit him in America.
I’m going, I’m not going, Sauli is thinking in his head. At a point Sauli huffs. Damn it. I’m going. I’ll regret it if I don’t go.
At home he books flight tickets and lets Adam know that he’s coming.
“I still remember that feeling. At the same time I was nervous and everything felt natural.”

Sauli has never been to the United States before. Adam is waiting at the airport. The american flags are flowing in the poles. Sauli sits at the front seat. Adam drives.
When Sauli sees the letters of the Hollywood sign at the Mount Lee mountain for the first time, his tummy is twisting.
“Now the sign feels like a Prisma (finnish grocery store) commercial.”
Things get normal. “The same thing happened when I went to the grocery store and walked home with the grocery bags along The Walk Of Fame. I also got used to that”, Sauli says and smiles.
After the trip Sauli comes back to Finland, gets rid of his apartment, and packs two suitcases with him. He gives everything else away. It’s easy to move, because he has got a job from a Finnish internet entertainment show.

The beginning in Los Angeles is not easy. In Finland Sauli is a lot in the pages of Finnish magazines. Sauli on the red carpet, walking on the beach, eating with Adam.
“Jealous people call me a careerist”, Sauli says.
“I never dreamed about a Hollywood life. But I know that you need to take a chance.”
Everyday life is everyday life also overseas. Sauli wakes up, makes porridge and goes training. He goes jogging or to the gym. Works.
The energy level is different than in Finland though. The sun is warming. The atmosphere is more relaxed.
People are smiling, strangers greet while jogging. Friends from Finland are cursing sleet, rush and the cold weather. Sauli notices that he’s breathing more freely than in Helsinki.
If there are clothes on the floor or dirt on the table, it doesn’t feel like anything.
“In Helsinki I would’ve immediately thrown my dirty clothes in the washing machine and cleaned the table. I almost got nervous, if the remote control was a millimeter in the wrong position. America was good for me. It made me more relaxed.”

Sauli also feels like he’s learning. All the time. Continuously. English and other ways of living. He’s enjoying, because in Finland he already had a feeling for a long time that he could deal with everyday life blindfolded.
“I was in a situation in life, where challenging myself was needed.”
But still, that Sauli would think of the US as his home and feel comfortable there, takes over a year. When he arrived he didn’t know anyone else than Adam.
It was new, when the phone wasn’t ringing and nobody was asking what’s happening that day. “On Friday nights I often thought, what the heck am I doing here. I’m not someone who likes to spend their nights at home in the evening.”
That’s why Sauli decides to make it.

Luckily Adams friends are also close to Sauli. But Sauli wants to also find his own group, and those with who he can speak Finnish. Luckily there’s Facebook. There he finds friends, Finnish also. They go eating and paddling with kayaks. Trips are important.
They talk about memories, they change thoughts. For example about how important it is that life isn’t always scheduled.
“If you come 15 minutes late to a meeting in LA or call one hour earlier that let’s meet another day, the answer is, okay. This is not how things work out in Finland. Relaxation. That’s nice.”
Every time a plane is heading to Helsinki-Vantaa airport, Sauli’s feelings are messed up.
On the other side he misses Finland, his close ones and his sisters’ kids. But on the other side.
America gives and teaches more. And Sauli doesn’t feel like he’s ready with that yet.
“I mean no offense, but I often feel like I went backwards, when I came to Finland. Finland is still my home country.”

And a few years to explore Los Angeles is not enough. Sauli describes the city with the word strong.
Great parties, people, events and dreams. And the first time, when the phone rings and a local friend asks Sauli out. “I felt like I’ve accomplished something.”
Then it clicks again. Sauli and Adam break up.
“The break up is done together”, Sauli says. The men are good friends and keep in contact almost every day. “We’re best friends. Breaking up doesn’t mean that you need to stop keeping in contact. I still appreciate Adam. There’s also been a word about getting back together. At least now, that’s not what it’s about.”, Sauli says.

After the breakup Sauli’s friends were worried. How are you doing? Is everything okay?
At some point the questioning started getting funny.
Sauli thinks, why happiness is often connected to a relationship. The thought, that without a relationship you’re not happy.
“Happiness shouldn’t be about if you’re single or in a relationship. Happiness needs to come from yourself.”
After the breakup a lot has happened to Sauli. He has made the Saulin Paras Kaveri tv-show, got to the Dancing On Ice show and lived his life.
Made a lot of decisions, that others dream about, but are too scared to fulfill.
Where does the courage come from?
“I’m not nervous about life. I enjoy, when I don’t know what next summer will bring. I live every day the fullest. I walk with my head up high without being proud and I think, that life will carry me.”

Now the most important thing is wellbeing. Sauli wants to take good care of himself, do sports and eat healthy. Go towards his dreams.
“The most important thing is to love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love others. That’s where you get happiness, energy and strength. Balance. And you shouldn’t regret the life that you’ve lived.”
Happiness, energy and strength does also bring the moment when Sauli opens the door to his sisters house at Hyvinkää. In the hall three little boys run to Sauli, wrap their arms around his legs and shout: “Uncle Sauli, Uncle Sauli!”
Sauli changes to sweatpants and puts on the crocs shoes that he won from Big Brother.
The four guys head outside to kick some ball and play tag.
After playing, Sauli sits down and listens to what the kids have to say. In the evening the boys show him a dance that they’ve made to their current favorite artist Cheek’s song.
Sauli is silent for a while.
“But I will get back to Los Angeles. My home is there now.”

Text by Sanna Kekki, translation by @SirilovesKevin (on twitter)

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