
DJ. Pri · @ChocopieK

3rd Oct 2013 from TwitLonger

131003 Jonghun @ MBC 'Story Show - House of Wealth' Summary: The story is about a college student (Jo Jung Chi) who is much older than his classmates because he enlisted in the army late. He just wants to make friends but gets too clingy and always ends up making things awkward for his hoobaes. Jonghun played one of the hoobaes (+ AOA Mina's boyfriend). Jonghun & Mina showed up and offered to take Jung Chi out for a drink. But since things get awkward, Mina fakes a headache and Jonghun pretends like he needs to take her home ASAP. Jung Chi volunteers to support Mina and Jonghun thinks: my woman!! After that, everyone go on a retreat and Jonghun drinks like a hottie. In the end, the group decides to invite Jung Chi to their circle, Jonghun calls him on the phone, and then everyone finds out Jung Chi was hiding inside a closet all along. Everyone becomes BFFL.

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