Looks like lots of people are looking for more explanation, so here we go:

He says: "It's a LIVE until you reach your front door," so nothing is over yet.

That means: Just because all the shows are over, the world tour isn't over (they're working/doing their job/on business) until we get home.


He says: That's right. Because at this time we are visual-kei. Please remove all the photos you have uploaded of us on our off days. Before we go back to Japan. That's a line you can't cross. Memories let you look back on events gently and quietly, and that's why they're beautiful.

That means: Oh, that's right. We're visual-kei. That means that our visuals are just as important as our music. So please take down the photos of when we're in private by the time we're back in Japan. That's a line you just can't cross. If there are three categories, 1) taking no photos, 2) taking photos during the live, 3) taking photos when we're out in public on our private time, you JUST CAN'T cross into the third one. You should just keep the experiences you have with us (either at the lives or when you run into them in public) to yourself, in your memories. Memories let you cherish those moments with a warm heart (nostalgia), and that's why they're beautiful.

From here on it's going to be my (Cheese's) take on things--I am NOT speaking for Michido as a whole.
I don't know if I worded it well, that's what he's trying to say...
Not only is taking photos of them:
1) Breaking company policy
2) Disrespectful
it is also as if you're going around giving away a magician's tricks after a magic show. You make "the GazettE", a visual and musical product, lose its magic. To Aoi, and I'm sure to other members, "the GazettE" is an art piece that they work together to create a universe for, building it up with each costume, each album, each tour. To give it away like that discredits their work.

Taking pictures of them when they're sightseeing, etc. is not okay. Understood. Now, you'll probably say, "But everyone takes photos/photos are allowed during so-and-so's lives!" But, a large portion, if not most, companies and bands in Japan carry the same no-photo policy. Regardless of if they're visual-kei or not. That is how they do things in Japan, and just because they visit you in X country, doesn't mean they will change their policies to what your country considers to be normal. That is, UNLESS their management decides to make a special-case exception, and allow photos.

Perhaps I am overstating, or exaggerating and you don't feel like this is right, but this is what I believe Aoi's perspective is, and what I think it means to the fans. Feel free to offer your questions, comments, concerns, alternative opinions, etc. Thanks for reading.

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