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28th Sep 2013 from TwitLonger

Billie Jean…..

First of all, want to thank you for sharing your video with me. I was truly honored when you asked me for my opinion, and of course I'm very happy to do it. So, here are a few pointers and stuff that I noticed. Overall, it's very good!

- Your high kick-steps are good, it's really good, but on that last step when you put your foot down, bring it down harder in accordance to the beat. When that bass sounds, your last high-step should come hard and fast against the floor and then you are into the next move. Fluid but firm. See what I'm saying?

- On the first hat toss, toss it a little more. Give it a little more throw and make it spin before it lands. Get it by the brim and think "frisbee toss".

- You should moonwalk a little longer! It's good! Let them see it. Let the audience see it. Don't rush it. And bring your shoulders back just a little about halfway thru, then forward again--your neck too. Shoulders back, neck forward.

- After you pick up your hat again, caress it a little more. Make that the focal point during that instant. You want to draw attention to it because it's gonna go on your head for the next move. All eyes will be on YOU---and then BAM!---it's on your head and the audience is watching every move you make for the transcendence into the next move. Remember the audience follows your hands and feet mostly.

- Timing, timing, timing! You're very good!! , but try to get in line with the beat cue when you slap your hat back on. When the drum comes out with that first boom, THAT is the SAME moment that your hat should go on your head. Drum, hat...drum, hat. Boom! Bam! and the hat goes on your head at the same moment.

- When you widen your legs and do the crotch-grab and footwork around 3:00 come down a little lower and move your shoulders a little more and push your hat down a little more so it hides your face and the audience's eyes automatically go elsewhere…feet, hands, shoulders, etc. This is critical during this move because it's really the only things moving --- shoulders and feet and a little handwork with the other hand. You are like a conductor -- YOU control where you want the audience. Face, hands, feet, shoulders, crotch…all of these focal points can be manipulated with what YOU do with props (hat, jacket, glove, etc.)

- Love the ending! It's really good! Your hat toss is great! You could even lean into it a little more and come down a little lower when you toss it.

Remember YOU and the MUSIC are in control. Become the music. The music controls you and you control the audience. Wherever you want their eyes to go, focus on that with movement and direct their vision towards that. Make them feel the same things you are feeling. Let them feel not only the music and rhythm but also your moves. See it AND feel it. Audience reaction is magical!!!

I hope this helps at least in some small way. Good luck to you, Bro! Thanx so much for sharing this, I enjoyed it very much.

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