
DianaWatt · @DianaWatt

26th Sep 2013 from TwitLonger

So we are a week post Big Brother and we have a winner who is stomping his feet because there is not enough adulation of his great game play.

I have always hated the revisionist history of Big Brother, but usually don't take the time I am going to tonight to clear up a few FACTS about the game.

Andy Herren was not some great strategist of Big Brother, what he was, was afraid. He was afraid of going on the block. He admits to lying in bed at night figuring out ways to keep himself safe. Yes, I know that is part of the point of the game, but there is more to the game than being a coward. Andy's only motivation week after week was being too cowardly to go on the block. He was nick named a rat and Code Red because he would suddenly show up in a room and ruin any and all game play that might have been going on. Viewers hated his game play because he ruined any and all uprisings in the house until the Zing Bot hurt his floater feelings. He claims that he had control of the votes every week. NO, he was the snitch who ran back and told the woman who had control of the votes. Andy didn't run from room to room to play people against each other, his sole purpose of this was only to make sure his name wasn't being spoken. Again he played out of fear all day and all night. When the ZingBot informed him that America saw him as a floater he again played out of fear, he decided now was the time to do an about face and go against his beloved Mistress. Andy thought about saving Helen with Gina Marie but as soon as he knew his Mistress caught wind of it he went back into fear mode and kept Spencer. He was too afraid to be the vote to keep Helen. Andy so afraid of not being like floated the opposite direction of Amanda, which would be Elissa. He was desperate to find another group where he would not be the target. Lets remember it wasn't the Exterminators, Andy would like us to believe that he had the Exterminators as some big master plan when really it was something he floated into.

Elissa was in power that week and she was the only person not buying his routine, she was also the only one who hated him walking in on her conversations. Out of desperation and fear of going up on the block he suddenly became willing to work with the person he repeatedly said he hated. Judd, Spencer and Andy swore their allegiance to Elissa if she chose to put GM up on the block and they would be the final four. Yup that's right GM was the second choice. Elissa didn't trust Andy to no longer work with his Mistress and put him on the block anyhow. It was only then that he jumped on the next boat that came along.... The Exterminators. Again this move wasn't some bold move he made, but another desperate attempt to find safe harbor. Andy whined like a baby the entire three days he was on the block and lived in perpetual fear that he was being voted out.

Andy never was honest with the people he was voting out because he was afraid. Andy was even too afraid of telling the jury the real reason he took GinaMarie to the final two. It wasn't because the two of them shared some special bond, he would have voted her out instead of Aaryn and stayed with 3 AM had Elissa put Gina Marie up instead of Andy. No Andy's only real reason to take GM to the F2 was because he was afraid to go toe to toe with Spencer who can actually speak English and it might have been a fair fight. We all know that Andy is a coward and a fair fight was not something he could handle in the end.

The comparison of Andy Herren to actual Big Brother strategist like Will Kirby or @DanGhesling is laughable. Look floating is a strategy, being a rat is a strategy and being a coward who runs back to tell mommy is also a strategy. Andy didn't win by being likable or being a master strategist he won because he was a coward. #BB15

So stomp your feet Andy, but realize this....Viewers didn't find your cutesy voice or little boy clothes adorable. You can't convince someone your sweet when your mouth is so sour. There is nothing worse than a coward who gets all big in the britches.

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