
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

15th Sep 2013 from TwitLonger

I have a few thoughts to share about the “book” “MJ TRUTH AND CONFESSIONS” and its author, Firouzeh Khan.

First, let’s call it what it is: This is a piece of “Fan Fiction.” There are countless pieces of things like this to be found online, many already having the set-up of Michael Jackson paying a spectral visit to someone after his passing. What makes this different is that the author is dearly trying to present it as authoritative and really “from the source.”

This person, F.Z. Khan, or “Firouzeh” as she identified herself on Twitter via @MJMANDATORY, is identified as the author of this book. And also, just to be clear, it is possible for anyone to “self-publish” something on Amazon – so this is not a “book” in a traditional sense, with a publisher standing behind it who paid for the rights to distribute it. This is all a self-made, self-distributed deal here.

And it seems there is no mistaking that this person is the same person who has been presenting his/her self on Twitter as @mjviva, @ASMICHAELSAYSIT (“AMSI”) and then as @LAMJ_SNARL on Twitter, pretending to be the original Michael Jackson. That person’s first account was killed off last year by the estate when it had some 1,600 followers, and when it was re-created it collected about a fourth as many. This person started off by claiming Michael never had vitiligo, the proceeded to tell a number of things that directly conflict with other known information. MJ told the world he had vitiligo. If someone decides he was lying, they can, but in this case it was “MJ himself” telling everyone that he was.

This person also went on to claim that he never loved Lisa Marie Presley; never loved (or even actually married) Debbie Rowe, and then went on to describe how he was framed for molestation charges back in 1993 by his own family, the “shitty Jacksons” as he called them. He also went on to support AEG against his mother and children, stating that the lawsuit was all about greed and getting more of “his money” – something which doesn’t even make any sense. Within that claim, he also began criticizing Paris and Prince as money-grubbing fame seekers, looking to gain something off of “his” own hard work. He also claimed that there were hidden surprises to be found in the will that would conceivably dis-inherit his greedy children. Paris’s suicide attempt? He didn’t care; said it was fake. For some time he has criticized her interest in wanting to be involved with “HollyWood.”

And then there were the promised comebacks. In 2011 @mjviva claimed that he would absolutely return before the end of the year. Then in 2012 he said it was “1000% certain.” Then at the end of 2012, he said look for him in 2013. If he doesn’t return then, he will never do so. And recently, he said to watch for him in 2014; if not, then never… again.

There were so many lies told by this person – even stating that he attended the Murray trial disguised as a juror. Stating that PearlJr was a dear friend – and then later, upon finding that PearlJr offered no support at all, he began making fun of her. Handing out meaningless “clues” which people looked into which never yielded anything of value. And as a sociopath, he criticized and swore at anyone who would question him about his identity, despite having once said that he wanted to prove who he was so his fans would know he was all right. A non-sociopath would be interested in offering clarification to avoid any misunderstanding. This person preyed on hopeful fans who really wanted to hear from the real MJ, and he offered enough “love” to them (by saying that word over and over again) to favor anyone who was NOT likely to question him, to create a bond of sorts.

There are so many examples of things like this along the way, and this is important to realize before reading this book. It seems that the author chose to try to “live inside Michael’s head” by posing as him on social media and interacting with fans. This book is the result of that research through trickery, accumulated with that sociopathic lack of conscience or remorse. The book is presented as “truth” with a wink, that he must say it is fiction because “you know.” This person is trying to have it both ways. If someone challenges its truth, he can claim it is clearly posted as fiction, so it is not libelous – so he doesn’t have to commit to its truth at all, BUT – he tells you this is the truth anyway. Isn’t that convenient?

And so – this book was written by “Snarl” – but it wasn’t. There is some other “messenger” who must be protected, who actually wrote it. Maybe even – the same “messenger” who was supposedly originally writing tweets for @mjviva, but who mysteriously disappeared after a time when this person became more comfortable with speaking in the first person. At first, it could have been “veronicarose99” who first announced the new MJVIVA YouTube channel in July of 2011, but this was never clearly told. “Is it Michael typing? No. Are these his words? Yes.” That’s what was offered then. Once the account was finally permanently suspended, this person resumed typing under a “parody account” which is technically allowed by Twitter – but by then, all his loyal followers just “knew he had to do it that way.”

So why must this person be so careful? Why try to straddle that line between “really” and “not really”? This was to gather mystique and mystery; to attract attention. Any good fake knows he can’t come right out and say “who he is,” he has to make it so that his audience must become invested. Most of his audience tired of his game, but he retained probably three dozen “believers” who regularly communicate with him as though he is Michael Jackson – and it is these people who are now about to try to help him foist this “work of fiction but truth” onto other unsuspecting fans.

So who is this person, really? Most reading this will be aware that I have consistently stated it is @Dmovie27, aka @DrumsandD4, Steven C. Douglas, cook and flea market video seller from Detroit, Michigan. Most who read more carefully will have noted that I’ve also said there’s a possibility that it’s not him – in which case, it would be someone collaborating with him. If I decide to embrace the idea that this is really some other person, does that let old Dougie off the hook? Not one bit. He privately stated that this was probably not Michael Jackson, but someone who was close to his situation – but proceeded to embrace the endorsements this person gave him and his “page” many times, and used that endorsement to work his own twisted little agenda – as I’ve described, to build a little cult to study popular culture and find clues about MJ’s coming return as a biblical Messiah. However it happened, he had his own “Michael Jackson” backing him up on this – and that person stuck by him even after I revealed that he’d spent two years following an Illuminati-loving, Satan-praising weirdo whose message was that the “sheeple are evil,” i.e., more than 99% of EVERYONE – who can either die or must be exploited. “Snarl” didn’t care about that – but we know that Michael would have. Yet, Dougie loved to continually emboss upon his followers that he was getting word from a “direct source” – who has now authored a book which describes a woman who was favored with an extended post-death visit from MJ’s spirit, wherein he told her all his “secrets.”

So, setting Dougie aside (no easy thing to do if you’ve seen him), let’s look now at this author, Firouzeh Z. Khan. That’s quite a name, isn’t it? Is it made up? Who the hell knows? But, “Firouzeh” is a feminine Iranian name. It is uncommon in the United States. This person does not live in the United States.

The book describes very little about the author. We know she apparently lives with a brother, sister and her mother, and a cat named “Blackie.” She doesn’t even outright describe herself very much; not even stating whether she is male or female. Except: At one point she describes her appearance, including her “hair in a bun,” and it is unlikely that a man would describe his hair being in a bun, even if it was! At another point, the author registers surprise that the spirit of MJ knew her “language” after having a conversation with her mother; to say that she was not speaking English at the time. And there are other little bits and pieces to offer some clue as to this person’s whereabouts.

The book opens with a conversation about MJ’s passing. The sister asks if she hadn’t seen it in the morning paper? But – it was freshly being reported on TV, too. Anyone in the U.S. would know full well it wouldn’t have been in any morning paper. Given an Iranian name, if in Iran, they would be 11 ½ hours later than U.S. West Coast time – given Michael’s death at about 2:30pm; in Iran it would have been 2:00am (June 26), thus conceivably (possible, but not really likely) in the morning papers and “fresh news” some five hours later for people just waking up. In Great Britain, which is 9 hours later that Pacific Standard Time, it would have been 11:30pm (June 25). And that would have a greater likelihood of being in the morning papers, at least for it to be suggested as a possibility in this scenario.

So let’s consider that this person lives in Great Britain. This would explain the consistent use of British affectations; the spelling of “colour” and “favour” containing the letter “u” (unlike in American English), and even “paedophile” which we know Snarl has often used, spelled that way. (The author also refers to seeing “what’s on the telly,” referring to television, which we don’t say here in the U.S.) Folks, even if Snarl would like for everyone to believe that there is some other “messenger,” this is the same person writing.

Let’s take a look at Snarl’s “goodbye” messages, posted August 26, about this forthcoming book, which I have compiled here:


“My little present is a series of books that covers the whole of my life and the hoax ending with the final outcome. How about that hehe ;D You want to know about the snarly michael dont you ? ;D But as I said, a lie sells a 100 times more than truth so the books will be presented as a lie but will have the whole truth. However, dear ones the story is told with a purpose to record, preserve and spread the truth about you know, my tummy resident ;D The truth will be presented as a lie for security purposes. How it happened and how it was done is presented in a tricky, imaginative manner. All the secrets, all the darkest secrets and all the misery that ate Michael up is in them, for you to read. It is a simple project about a simple man. But then nothing is more powerful than a simple truth told in a simple way. I present this work not as a profit, commercial project to manipulate and deceive. It is meant to tell the true story of Michael to those who are willing to listen, and you never now a simple truth can grow wings and fly to the highest sky. So the words are all there, all his words, from him and for you, but you will have to find the treasure. Treasure hunt. And if the student is ready the teacher appears. And if you want to know how Michael feels, not felt but feels then this is for you, my gift of love, and yes, the last part will be about the hoax and its final out come. ;D

“The writer is the messanger and the messanger is far away and the dead come out of the grave to tell his tale to you. And if you love me, you will know and the end will tell you what I have decided I present to you a lie, that has in it my truth and stones will not be able to reach, as it is gift wrapped in a dream. My truth. And it is the only, exclusive one of a kind project. Its all Michael Jackson but a curtain is used to protect the messanger from the poisonous Jacksons. One after another the green diamonds will come and I will talk to you in simple words. My story. And as i said, truth can fly to the sky and shine like the Sun. You never know. I love you so you will have me with you forever my love. I promised you.”


Given that Snarl has, since having his account suspended, most of the time referred to himself in the third person – the above is no surprise, but he does say outright that this is HIS gift; his (MJ’s) words… not Firouzeh’s. Gee, if Firouzeh went to all that trouble to write all of this out – don’t you think Snarl would be more forthcoming to praise her for that? But no, he just says “the messenger needs to be protected.” Well, of course they do, because they are impersonating Michael Jackson first, or – they have stolen his identity to use as a character in a work of fiction. As fan fiction, generally no one cares. But this is being posted on and promoted heavily, while stating that it is Michael’s “truth” – so yes, this person would probably like for this person to be protected from being sued!

Will that work? I don’t know. I don’t think Michael Jackson’s estate would like it very much. Even as a “free” work – although now, it seems to be showing a list price of $2.99, so now there IS money involved!

The estate might not even care if someone did this in most cases – except, here we have a picture presented of a Michael Jackson who is clearly narcissistic, petulant, angry, bitter, depressive, and one who describes “himself” lying to the public (such as about vitiligo). This MJ characterizes family relationships in ways such that if a standard biographer were to do so, the family surely WOULD take issue with it. I don’t know where this all could stand legally, but – I’d say this person has already broken the law regarding “identity theft.” The estate might have only shown a passing interest in shutting down the Twitter account, but they DO fiercely protect MJ’s interests, and a publication such as this probably WOULD get their attention!

Setting all that aside: Is this a legitimate work? I’ve read it, and I would say – in its way, it is. At times the author seems to have a sensitivity toward the subject matter as they get deeper into it and seem to “forget” that they’re there to grandstand a point of view about MJ. Do I like what she has Michael saying here? No. I don’t believe that Michael Jackson would, at the end of his life, describe that life as being so full of muck, anger, depression, misery and everything that this person describes. Where do I find authenticity here then? I see this as one person’s viewpoint, which would be worth knowing about and sharing with others, simply because here we get to see how someone MIGHT observe Michael Jackson differently from what we’re used to thinking about. This person may or may not have an agenda to “trash” him, but the conclusions she reaches after he own focused attention on him, is what is to be considered here.

Mostly, Michael’s fans have access to his entire “story” all at once, from childhood to decades forward. To a reader, his childhood might seem as immediately relevant as the last ten years of his life, thus more attention might be paid to it. But, consider that someone age 50 is considering his life: is he going to dwell so much on his childhood? I don’t think so. To Michael, it was 40 years ago. To us, well, we just read about it on a website or in a book; we saw his father was rough on him, etc. We see how over time maybe there was some backstabbing, some sadness, some estrangement. At age 50, maybe you don’t think about your brothers and sisters so much – they’re living their own lives, and you’re living yours. If you’re famous, maybe yes, they do want something from you like so many others might – even feeling entitled because they’re related – is this an unusual thing to consider? You don’t think any celebrity has to be wary of “friends and family” to some extent?

Toss a rock out the window and likely you’d hit someone who’d say, if you asked them (and if they didn’t hit you with a rock too), that they’ve experienced sadness and pain, going back to their childhood. So maybe it depends on “what the question is”!

I wouldn’t deny that Michael experienced sadness and pain and tragedy and heartbreak – because we ALL have, unless you’ve had everything handed to you and you’ve been terribly sheltered from reality. If someone asks you, have you felt sadness? You will answer that question. If someone asks you, “Are you a happy person,” then most people would probably say… “Yes, I think I am!” It depends on what question you ask.

Because, as you get to know Michael’s story, you know that he DID seem VERY capable of happiness. He was a dreamer, an explorer, a creator… and those things aren’t so well claimed by the perpetually unhappy. He sought for his spirit to soar; he sought to help make others’ lives better. How many people DO do that? Those who are mired in their own circumstances, usually think they are worthy of charity themselves and aren’t so likely to share what little wealth they do have. If someone is sad, they’re not out creating positive messages for the world to hear. Michael Jackson was not a sad man.

Michael Jackson was not the person this F. Z. Khan describes who appeared in her “subconscious” in such vivid detail. This is the Michael Jackson who lives in this person’s imagination.

If you’ve studied Michael Jackson and admire the man, you know this very well within yourself.

Firouzeh’s point of view is worth studying simply because any point of view about anything you care about, is worth being aware of. We’re more used to seeing people who “hate” Michael saying bad things about him; we’re not used to the idea that a “fan” might do so, too. I don’t personally see MJ as being perfect; I see his flaws; I could see him as a public personality having narcissism; I could see him being angry and depressed; I could see most of the things attributed to him which Firouzeh describes… but as only portions of the man, as these things would be portions of anyone. If someone only saw your sweet grandmother swearing after hitting her thumb with a hammer, they might think, “Woah, that lady is nasty!” And they might not care about any other way of looking at her if they’ve decided to just stay away. But you know your grandmother, all her best and all her worst, and you love her; you describe her as sweet and loving. Would you like to see someone write a book about her that described her otherwise?

So if this Viva/AMSI/Snarl thing was all a big charade so this person could do “research” to try to live inside of Michael Jackson’s head – so she could write this book – how does that make you feel? She took advantage of so many innocent people who just hoped to hear from their hero once again… who thought they were speaking with him, and he with them. She continually gave people false hope that he would return. She ridiculed people who challenged her and seemed amused when others would defend her viciously. She was responsible for a lot of pain. Is this book worth it?

If not for that – all the pain and heartbreak she sociopathically ignored so she could create her great novel – then, this could be a legitimate work, even if I don’t agree with what it says. Some of it is written well, and thoughtfully. Some of it wasn’t a bore to read, and some of it was provocative and made me think about my own perceptions of Michael Jackson as filtered through Firouzeh’s mind. Some of it is reasoned and thought through – such as a part where she has MJ telling her that his first plastic surgery was at 16, rather than at age 21 as “everyone knows.” She describes examining photos of him at that age and deciding that yes, his nose does seem different at that point. Did that actually happen, and the public was lied to about it? Who knows… maybe? This is the type of thing that is available to anyone who wants to explore it, and to reach their own conclusions about. Do we believe Michael or his people never lied to us about something like that? It’s possible. This book can cause us to consider things like that. In this way, it can create interest in “really getting to know the man,” if that is what someone is looking for from it.

But me? I don’t care if he ever lied, or if he ever said a cross word, or if he was petty and narcissistic. Who knows, maybe he gave so much money to charities to make himself look good, rather than it being from his heart? I suppose then, the question is – what do you WANT to see in Michael Jackson?

You can guess and suppose about stuff like this all you want – but you’ll never really get a good answer that clearly defines it for you. Even if you had him right inside your own head like this book describes, where you could ask him yourself – how much trust would you have in the answer? What questions WOULD you ask, anyway? Would you pester him with questions about his skin and his family and so many personal things? Would THAT describe “the man” to you? Or would you care about his thoughts, his philosophies, his credos, his words to live by? Michael, you were such a success – how can I hope to achieve some of that success, too? Do you have any advice for me?

I don’t give a damn about his skin or his past loves or his skirmishes with his family. He gave us good music. He gave us someone to look up to and admire or even emulate. He gave us so much to explore, things which could help our OWN lives if we were to learn and employ them – and knowing about how much he liked Tito or how much skin cream he might have used, is completely useless.

If you want to read this book, maybe you wouldn’t consider it a waste of time for what it is – a fan fiction with Michael as a character in it – but there are so many better things to read.

If this person wants to receive real recognition for her art, and perhaps even some real acclaim for it, a readership beyond Snarl’s followers – I’d suggest that the way to do that would be to re-write it a bit so that it’s clear this is a fictional narrative and doesn’t hold any pretense to being “the truth,” it’s just something based on this person’s observations which may or may not hold water. She needs to acknowledge the ruse… and apologize for it. Because this “art” was created on the backs of so many other people she’s taken advantage of as she “researched” it to become Viva/AMSI/Snarl. She needs to come clean. Which really wouldn’t be a bad idea, because – it IS part of the story. Living “as Michael Jackson” online is a type of adventure this person chose to engage in, and that is a story in itself. It could, and should, be a part of this one – as a possibly interesting and enlightening story to tell for one thing, and – as an acknowledgement and apology and as CLOSURE for all the people who have been hurt by it.

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