Final say on the issues at hand.

Just to touch on a few things, we first made up these setting things as a joke to mess with other pro players at PAX. We started showing them how setting your game default campaign setting to "easy" made the game "easy." People fail to realize we were doing this purely as a form of entertainment and also to get inside other players minds and make them think there's some grand conspiracy when in actuality it doesn't affect anything. It was hilarious to hear pro players say "yeah, my shot is better!" when it actually doesn't do A THING. It's all in their head.

I don't change any of my settings in there, neither does Teep or Aches, Crim does but only because he's been doing it since Halo, and says that it makes his sensitivity about a 4.5.

The joke I made on twitter at PAX about Optic being our "B-Team" was strictly to answer all the mentions I was getting about "Optic Clayster." I made it off-hand and was purely joking. Nade and Scump took it to heart and have been severely pissed about it since then. I even had a text conversation with Seth apologizing and he was visibly shaken and upset about the comment I made. Again, it was a joke I made that may have been a bit out of line and I admitted that to him and apologized. They're still hung up on this comment from days ago.

Then, as I sit here today, I hear that Scump and Nade are telling people on their stream that we cheated to win. Normally, I wouldn't get involved, but when they're broadcasting to 15k+ people, as well as their Twitter fanbase, I feel a need to defend myself and my team. Aches went a little too far, but only after Nade stepped in making a rude comment.

Wrapping things up, it was a childish thing of them to do as well as Aches to do. I'm trying to maintain the high-road and just let my game and placings talk for themselves, but when you have 40+ mentions everytime you open Twitter it gets a bit difficult to not step up to the plate for yourself and your team.

I'm honestly really good friends with Nade and Scump (or was I guess..) and it leaves me distraught to hear the things they're saying about us. It hurts on a personal level, and on a competitive level.

So yeah, thats that.

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