Fiona Apple wrote this letter to a few friends. I feel like it deserves to be read by more people...

it's fiona.
if it wouldn't be too much trouble,if you could tweet to the twits who call themselves journalists(example chris martins of Sit-and-Spin magazine) that I FINISHED MY SET,I did my job,and they should do theirs too--boy ,would I be grateful.
They all miss the fact that there is a difference between the back-of-the-room-chatter that is simply annoying,--and the Operatic Drunken Blather,or the heckling (which is really just INTERRUPTING) that makes it impossible for us to do our jobs.
I hope most readers are already hip to the fact that they are consistently lied to. In my eyes, these writers have compromised their credibility. they are fiction writers.

And, incidentally, whoever first interrupted Chappelle should have been ass-to-concrete before it grew into something that ruined the show for anyone else.

no apologies.

I understand if you don't wanna,though.
anyway,I love you,see you later...

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