
LA LA LA · @anny_packer

31st Aug 2013 from TwitLonger

''Hi all! This is the last time I'll be coming to this blog as though I wanted to believe that RK are together, the overwhelming evidence against cannot be ignored. I know you'll probably delete this post which is fine, but it seems like us wanting them together isn't good enough reason- I have seen multiple comments on this and DIDY blogs that make no sense so it seems that people are trying to convince themselves by suggesting K was wearing mismatched socks (that matched R's socks???) though it is clear that she wore Grey socks. Apparently they are sending signals to each oher?? Multiple photos of her friends looking after the puppy despite reasons being given as to why Rob couldn't do it; her friends coming over to Berlin (even M who is a mutual friend). I appreciate your dedication but you can only defend so much before it starting to look silly.... I initially got excited when i found out about this blog as you claimed to have a source on the inside, but your posts are pure speculation. Best of luck and hope (though don't believe any more) that you are right.'' LMAOOO

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